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AN: The cover photo is exactly how I see Carina.

Jasper Hale studied the second new girl to come to the school; she had arrived shortly after Bella Swan had, but the two couldn't be more different, it seemed.

The girl was no more than seventeen herself, with fair skin and unruly dark locks that cascaded down her back and over part of her face, seeming to obscure something. She sat at a table by herself, leaned back in her chair with a practiced air of ease that few could attain, and she seemed to be perfectly relaxed.

It was unnerving, how she could sit so still, for no other human could do such a thing—only vampires. Though she seemed to be alright, the way her stormy gray eyes darted about, assessing everything and everyone in the room, gave her away.

Everytime a person were to pass by her or get a bit too close for her liking, her muscles would tighten, her right arm would draw back slightly and her fingers would twitch almost unnoticeably, as though she were about to reach for something but was restraining herself.

Her emotions weren't much better. He could feel them from his place with his siblings, feel the mixture of wariness, the sense of acute awareness she seemed to possess; she was cold, calculating in her observation, sparing no one.

Finally, as though she could feel his penetrating stare, she turned her gaze to him and her eyes roved over him in a way that would make any human uncomfortable. She gave the others the same treatment, though suddenly paused on Alice.

The raven haired girl's brows furrowed almost imperceptibly, and her emotions went haywire: confusion, recognition, alertness, attraction, denial, possessiveness and frustration all rolled into one. It was enough to make Jasper's head reel, and he gritted his teeth and attempted to force a wave of calm at the girl.

It didn't work. Instead, it seemed as though she went numb, for he couldn't feel anything from her after that.

"I can't read her," Edward told him, sighing. "But you can, can't you?"

"I could," acknowledged Jasper with a nod. "Until she completely shut herself down somehow. Now, it's as though there's nothing there. Just...emptiness."

"Who is she?"

"Carina Black," piped up Alice, and said girl's eyes snapped up to meet theirs yet again before flickering away. "She's a witch. You know, from the stories Carlisle told us?" His sister smiled, radiating happiness. "She's going to be part of our family at some point."

"Alice," said Emmett in a hushed voice, looking in awe at the girl. "She's staring at you. Look."

Alice swiveled in her seat, and as she caught a glimpse of the witch before them, Jasper was hit with a wave of emotions.

Carina Black was her mate. Of this, now, he had no doubt. Alice had known all along it would happen, it seemed.

He was happy for her.

The bell rang, indicating that lunch was over, and Carina grabbed her bag, stood, and strode off with her head held high.


Later that day, as they were leaving the school, one brave—or incredibly stupid—boy who had been ogling at Carina all day decided to make a move, and sidled up behind her.

Thinking no one noticed, he reached out a hand, and the vampires all tensed....until the witch whirled around, grabbed the boy by the collar of his shirt, and flung him to the ground with an impressive display of strength.

Carina Black towered over him, a dangerous glint in her eyes.

Jasper could feel her anger, and knew instinctively that this was not a good thing—he had already come to the conclusion that she was a soldier like himself.

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