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Later that day found Carina sitting on the edge of the cliff in panther form, watching the sunset on the ocean with sharp gray eyes. She needed to calm herself down, and this was where she had come.

A rustling in the bushes had her ears flicking backward; it did not sound like a vampire, silent and graceful. This was much heavier, though the tread was still soft as paws padded over and a giant black wolf sat beside her.

It was Sam Uley.

Troubled? asked Sam.

Having issues, replied Carina, swishing her tail back and forth. What are you doing here?

Neither looked at each other, instead keeping their eyes trained on the horizon.

You've got Black blood—no matter what animal you are or how many shields you put up, I can still hear you. Maybe not everything, or see everything....your thoughts were loud. So I came.

I see. She finally glanced over at the wolf.


Well, what?

What's troubling you? Sam snorted, rolling his eyes.

Carina inwardly debated, and decided she didn't care anymore. I found my mate.

And that's bad? She could feel his pain and guilt, and see his memory of a woman called Leah Clearwater. He had found his mate as well, but had harmed her.

Yes. I'm no good for her.



I see. Who is she?

Alice Cullen.

Sam suddenly growled. A Cold One?! That's your mate?

Carina couldn't fathom why, but she snarled at him, teeth bared. Say one bad word and I rip you to pieces. You're one to talk about mates.

He forced himself to calm. Fine. The short one?

She closed her mouth. Yes. I was in a war, I'm trained to kill creatures like her.

That's what I was created for.

I wasn't. I was forced to learn—I've killed and tortured and maimed...I was in a war. She huffed a sigh. They've told you about that and witches and such, correct?

Yes. From what I heard, the war was huge. If he were human, he would be frowning. Billy told me about you. Carina Black, war heroine, was tortured and escaped a madman, has been fighting since an early age. Am I right? She nodded once. I thought as much. What are you going to do about your mate situation?

Stay away as long as I can. One wrong move and I turn her to ashes—I don't want to do that. I told her I didn't want her and to stay away. If she listens to me and stays away, she'll be safe. She gave him a sideways glance, eyes narrowed. And from you too, I hope.

I can't, anyway. If she's your mate, we have laws against harming her. You may not be Quileute, but you are part of Billy's family, so you're off limits. It was dark, now. They both stood. If you need assistance of any kind.....

The same for you. I'll help.

He turned back to look at her. And, I may not like the vampires, but I can tell you from experience that staying away from your mate will only hurt you in the long run.

With those words, the two parted ways.


Carina stood in the middle of her living room another few weeks later, staring down Rosalie Hale, gray eyes piercing in a way that would have unnerved any other vampire. She hadn't so much as twitched yet.

"Yes?" inquired Carina finally, sounding as though she knew this would happen.

"Alice is upset," spoke Rosalie sharply. "And I heard its your doing."

"Yes." The teen didn't bother denying it. She had been avoiding Alice and the other Cullens like the plague, using spells to help her hide.

"And why is that?" The blonde crossed her arms.

"What's it to you?"

"Alice is my sister. Unlike you, I care about her wellbeing. Now, tell me."

Carina did care—she cared a lot. From the moment she had locked eyes with the pixie the urge to move to her had been overwhelming, and she had wanted so badly to make her happy....but it couldn't happen.

She didn't want to hurt Alice Cullen, not by a long shot; but, if her instincts took over, who knew what would happen. "It's for the best."

"For the best?" Rosalie hissed at her. "She hasn't fed in weeks! She's close to draining Bella—" She said the name with disgust. "—as it is, and she's been avoiding the house. She won't talk to anyone." Carina's temper flared, and she bit back a growl. "I got her to talk to me and she didn't want me to come, but I didn't care. You need a better excuse than that."

In a practiced move, the witch calmed herself and removed the glamour on herself with a wave of her hand.

Tiredly, she gestured to her face. "And you think I'm not affected, too? I can't sleep, can't eat....I'm having more nightmares than usual, and more flashbacks than I'm used to. It's all gotten worse." She heaved a sigh and collapsed into a chair. "I can hurt her so little twitch and she's ashes and I'm afraid, Rosalie. No one could ever love me like that." She didn't know why she was doing this, but somehow she felt the vampire understood. "Its safer if she keeps away. I'm more dangerous than anyone realizes."

"She needs you." Rosalie's voice was cool, but it seemed she got it. "And you need her. At least talk to her. You owe her that."

Carina ran both hands through her hair, sighing loudly. "Fine. Send her over now so I can get it over with."

Rosalie paused, appearing to be thinking of something, before nodding. "She'll be here in a minute or so, I expect. I'd better get going."

She blurred away, and not even a moment after there was a knock on the door; with careful steps, Carina opened it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2016 ⏰

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