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Later the next day found Carina Black being harassed by Jessica Stanley and her friends, who had succeeded in dragging her to their table—or, rather, she had allowed them to.

The girl and the boys were irritating, but Carina found that she could stand Angela, who reminded her of a much saner, brunette Luna Lovegood. Bella, on the other hand, she wasn't quite sure about.

After all, when the girl spent most of lunch staring at Edward Cullen and blushing, the witch's opinion of her was not high.

Speaking of Cullens, Alice was waving her over now.

Needless to say, the other teen made a swift escape and slid into a chair beside the pixie like vampire, their legs just barely touching; Carina barely repressed her shudder at the small jolt she had felt upon contact.

"Yes?" inquired Carina casually, eyeing everyone around the table.  

"You felt rather irritated," said Jasper, smiling wryly. "So we decided to save you."

"Yes, but now she's the center of attention," muttered Rosalie, and indeed, the majority of the students were watching them.

"OI!" yelled Carina suddenly, standing. Her accent thickened. "WHAT'RE YOU LOOKING AT, YOU LOT? YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT, TURN AROUND—I SEE YOU, SWAN, TURN—" Once everyone had stopped sneaking looks at them, she threw herself back into her seat, satisfied.

"Well," grumbled Edward, rubbing his ear. "You're certainly loud. I think she beat your record, Emmett."

"No way," protested Emmett fervently. "I'm the loudest!"

As the two bickered, Carina's eyes moved over to Alice and roved over her face. She had felt something last week when meeting the eyes of the vampire, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it yet. Her mind was rather fuzzy on her research of vampires, but it was sure to come back to her soon.

"I don't think I introduced myself," said Carina quietly, and the blonde turned her head. "Carina Black."

"Alice Cullen," replied Alice softly. She didn't know what to say, especially after last night's display.

"My scars that sickening, huh?" Carina seemed to know what she was thinking, and nodded knowingly. "Other people have had worse reactions."

After a moment, Alice decided what she would do. "Would you like to go for a walk?"

"And skip?" The witch raised her brows a little mockingly. "And here I thought you were the good one."

"And if I wasn't?"

"All the better." Carina stood. "Alright, let's go."

Alice got to her feet and followed the other girl out the door.


They walked out into the forest, and found themselves simply ambling about in silence, not speaking nor touching.

Alice glanced back at Carina and jumped into a tree above them, only a couple branches up, but enough that she could pounce if she wished.

Carina quirked a brow, and without prompting, hopped up and caught the bottom branch, before swinging herself up. Swiftly, she climbed up onto the branch beside the vampire, crouching; any other person would have fallen off, but not her.

"Don't forget," Carina told her rather seriously, though the corners of her lips twitched. "You may be a predator, but so am I."

"I'll take note of that," acknowledged Alice amusedly, before hesitating. She eyed the raven haired girl.


"I want to show you something."

The vampire jumped down and strode off at a quick pace; Carina hopped down as well and landed lightly on her feet. She followed along dutifully.

They walked for a few minutes, and the witch was rather restless. "What is it, exactly, that you want to—" Alice stepped into the sunlight, and the sight was truly amazing. She was sparkling like millions of diamonds were embedded in her skin, and her hair glinted brightly in the light.

"I-I—" stuttered Carina, for the first time in a long time speechless. "You...."

"Yes?" questioned Alice, watching her intently. She had only had a feeling of Carina coming to Forks, seen the barest glimpse, and could not see anything else involving her, now.

Finally, Carina managed to regain her wits and close her mouth. That didn't stop her from feeling rather breathless, though. "You're gorgeous."

The dark haired vampire went silent for a moment, before a large, bright smile appeared on her face. "Thank you. You're beautiful yourself."

"Ah, thanks." The witch ducked her head, feeling a sudden sheepishness. This vampire was doing things to her, things that made her feel again—made her feel lighter.

Normally, she was good at harnessing her emotions and keeping herself in control, but something about Alice made her unravel. Perhaps it had something to do with that strange feeling she had last week......

That's it. NOW she remembered.

When a vampire meets the eyes of their soulmate, magical or muggle, both parties will feel the bond click into place. Or, something along those lines—she'd never been good at remembering such things because she never thought she'd have to.

Now, however, she was lucky she had.

"Mate," mumbled Carina, before getting louder as her spine straightened and she raised her chin. "I'm your mate."

"I....." Alice frowned, but nevertheless agreed. "Yes, you are."

"You're mine." Carina stayed where she was for the time being. "I felt it too. Witches and wizards...we just know. No wonder I've been so weird lately."

"I saw you coming." Alice offered her a smile. "In a vision. But now, after that, I haven't seen anything else."

"I see." The witch frowned to herself, for she certainly wasn't supposed to be feeling this way for anyone, ever. She was meant to be alone, no one could love her, not like that. So, of course, Carina shut herself down. She looked away. "I guess you'll have to get used to being alone."

Alice was not deterred. "And why's that?"

Carina chucked darkly, eyes clouding over. "Just back off, Cullen. I don't want you—" Alice flinched. "—and you definitely don't want me."

And, without another word, she shifted into a monstrous black panther and sprinted away; Alice made no move to follow.

She had not seen this coming.

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