Author's Note: Hey guys. This is my first attempt at writing so it hope you enjoy it. This story is a fanfiction about the band R5 (Riker, Rydel, Ratliff, Rocky, Ross and their younger brother Ryland). If you haven't heard of them, check them out! This story is told from your point of view most of the time. Now let's get straight into the story.
Your eyes pierce open. Your body shivers. It's a cold morning. You reach down on the floor and pull up your quilt that you must have kicked off during the night. You continue to blink as your eyes adjust to the light shining through the small gap between the curtains. The bed is warm and soon heats you up. Your eyes slowly shut but jump open again by the sound of your mobile phone. Your hand falls off the bed and feels around the phone for the cuboid like shape that is somewhere under your bed. "Got you". You bring your phone to your face and click on the message application that has the red circle with a one in it hovering at the top right hand corner of the app. It's a text from Ross. Your best friend since the day you were born, literally, as both of your parents: fell into labour on the same day; were in the same ward; were extremely good friends and were also next door neighbours up until the point where they moved from
Colorado to Los Angeles in 2007.
*Morning Beautiful. Can you call me when you get up please? xxxx* it said.
You smile deeply. 'I love his good morning texts' you think to yourself. You clear your throat and search for Ross' number in your contacts. You press his name then his number and it starts to ring.
Ross: "Hello"
You: "Hey"
Ross: "Awesome, you got my text"
You: "Yeah I did. What's up?"
Ross: "Nothing I just wanted to talk to you"
You: "Well I'm here, so talk"
Ross: "I just wanted to see how you are and that new boyfriend of yours is"
You: "I'm fine thanks for asking and as for Kyle well... I'll text you later"
There was a long pause. None of you spoke.
Ross: "(Yourname)?"
You: "Yeah?"
Ross: "I miss you"
A tear forms in your eye.
You: "I miss you too Ross. It's weird not seeing you everyday, properly. I mean yeah we get to Skype and stuff but it's not the same"
Ross: "Yeah I know. I would come visit but the band..."
You: "Yeah I know but I have to go so I'll text you later yeah"
Ross: "Okay. Speak soon. Bye"
You: "Bye".
You end the call and put your phone back on the ground just ever so slightly under your bed. You glance at the window. The light seems brighter than usual. You wrap your covers around you and waddle over to the window. You pull the curtains wide open and gasp. Snow. Snow everywhere. You shout downstairs to your mum, "Mum! It's been snowing!". There is no reply but you dump your quilt on your bed, put on a dressing gown and open your wardrobe and pull out the pair of Wellington boots that were at the back. You slide them on and run downstairs. You go into the kitchen and see a note left on the table. It was from your mum. 'Had to leave early today because if the weather. Money is on the counter'. You crumble up the note and bin it whilst making your way to the back door. You pull open the door almost taking it off it's hinges. You bounce in and out of the freezing cold but solid white fluff. The temperature gets too much and you run inside, turning the heating up to 90 degrees. 'I wonder if it's like this in Los Angeles?' you ask yourself whilst taking off your now doling wet wellies. You pounder upstairs to retrieve your phone and then makes your way back downstairs and into the kitchen. Once again the back door gets opened. You take several pictures. You shut the door and look in the camera roll to find the best picture. You click on it then on send as message. You scroll down to 'R' on your contacts and find 'Ratliff, Riker, Rocky, Ross, Rydel and Ryland'. You click on them all and send a group message with the picture of the snow. You type a caption and send it off. "Sent" you whisper looking down at your dog who just so happened to be called Rocky as well. "Not to bad for the 1st of October. I highly doubt that lot will be seeing any snow this year" you say to your dog.
You decide to make yourself some pop tarts so you take out a plate and then put them in the toaster. They pop up and you grab them, dropping them onto the plate. "Ouch". You yell placing a now burnt finger into your mouth. You pick up your plate and head into the living room, shouting on the dog as you walk, "Come on Rocky!".
Ross' POV
"Come on Rocky!" I shout. "We need to get all the set in the van for tonight".
"I'm just coming" he replies and walks out the door with a massive amplifier. I laugh. The amp is near enough the same size as him. My phone beeps. I reach into my pocket and look at it. It's a text from (Yourname). I smile as I open it.
*Not bad for the 1st of October xxxx* it day's with a picture of her back garden covered in snow.
'God I miss Colorado' I think to myself. I reply then put my phone back in my pocket and continue to load the van for tonight's gig.
Your POV
You place your plate in the sink and put Rocky out a tin of dog food and some fresh water. Your phone beeps. It's a text from Ross. You smile as you open it.
*Poor gnome must be freezing xxxx*
You laugh and look out the window the the line of gnomes all sitting under a pile of snow but are interrupted by your phone. You look at the screen. It's a text from Kyle. You open it.
*I'm sorry babe. How can I make this up to you? x* it reads. However before you get a chance to reply your phone rings, it's Kyle.

Just Say You'll Stay (R5 Fanfiction)
FanfictionHow does it feel when your best friend is miles away from you? Only you can answer that. An R5 fan-fiction where you, yourself are involved in the story. Once you get your best friend back, will you be able to persuade him to stay?