It's the day before the R5 gang turn up at your house. You make sure it's absolutely spotless. Your mum has bought all the food that you'll need as well as hunting out the take away menus. You've got the air mattresses out of the loft and have put them on the chair in your bedroom with the pump on top.
You are ecstatic about them coming over. You haven't seen them in ages and are excited for them coming over. You haven't told Ross about what happened between you and Kyle and you aren't planning on it. Not after what happened the night you and Kyle tried to make up. You pause for a second and stop cleaning the house. Sitting on the sofa you let out a sigh and begin talking to yourself. "I mean, I don't like him like that. I can't he's my best friend. Maybe I was just missing him or excited that he was coming home to Colorado. Yeah that's it. I mean its not like I fancy him or anything like that". Just as you say that your dog ponders in and sit on the floor looking up at you. "Do I?" You say and Rocky barks. You laugh and shake it off, continuing to clean the house.
Ross POV
"Riker I can manage!" I yell as he adds things to my suitcase that I don't need. "You're going on tour little bro. Trust me. You'll need these" Riker says as he puts several packets of condoms in my case. "Right. Fine. Whatever. Just get out of my room!" He walks out rather pleased with himself. I can see him smirking. Rocky appears as he gets further up the corridor. Rocky handed him 10$ and they both continued to laugh as the walked up the hall. Obviously a bet. I continue to pack my case, putting in the final things I needed. After packing I carried my case down stairs and put it in the kitchen. "Hurry up guys, your flight is in 4 hours" Stormie shouts.
Stormie and Mark are driving to Colorado and will arrive a few days after the boys and Rydel. "I'm going to miss you mum" Rydel says giving her a hug. "Yeah" me too I say and give her a kiss on the cheek. We all head out and put our cases in the car and drive off to the airport.
We arrive at the airport 3 hours before we board the plane. We go to check in at the desk and start to weigh our luggage when I hear a scream. I turn round and this huge group of girl start to surround us one by one. We sign some autographs and take pictures with as many of the fans as possible. We were given a few presents and gifts off the R5Family as well but unfortunately we couldn't accept some of them as we exceeded our weight limit in luggage. We said goodbye to the fans and left the check in desk and walked deeper into the airport where it was quieter- the departures -It was the part of the airport that only people with flight tickets could go into. After checking our flight times and handing in out luggage, we all went to the McDonalds that was on the left side of the airport. Riker, Ryland and Rocky bought a double bacon cheese burger meal ea, Rydel bought a chicken nugget adult meal and Ratliff and I bought the McDonalds share box with a side of chips. Sitting down to eat, our discussion turned to (Yourname) and how awesome it would be to see her again.
Riker: "Ross...Ross...ROSS!"
*I looks at him with big eyes but don't not speak*
Riker: "Are you okay there mate? You are staring into space"
Ross: "Yeah, sorry. Just tired. A bit jet lagged*
Rydel: *laughs* "We haven't even been on the plane yet Ross"
Ross: "Sure" I say, not acknowledging what she said. The rest if the gang continue to talk as I just sit there in silence for the next 40 minutes.
Your POV
You squeal and begin to jump up and down. "Calm down" my mum says. "I can't! I haven't see. Them in ages. I miss them so much" you say to your mum, your back turned to the arrival doors. You see you mum smile and her eyes light up. "What?" You ask.
"You've missed us now have you" you hear a voice say. You turn around faster than a lightning bolt. "RYDEL!" You scream and hold her tight. "Hi" she gasps, struggling to breathe. "Oh I'm sorr...Rocky! Ratliff! Oh my god guys!" You run up and give then a huge hug. "Don't forget about me" a deep voice says from behind you. Getting rather dizzy you turn around and see Ryland standing there with his arms out. "Wow, Ryland, your voice is so..." "Deep? I know" he says rolling his eyes. "Is that us ready to go?" My mum asks. "No mum wait, we still need to wait on..." You stop talking. All you see is two hands coming around either side of your face. They cover your eyes. You giggle and bite your lip. "Guess who?" You hear a soft, gentle voice whispering into your ear. You freeze, "Wait a minute. Riker is that you?" You laugh. "How on earth did you know?" He asks. You pull a face as you turn towards him and point to the ring on his ringer. He joins in laughing and the group start to walk away. "Guys! Where on earth is Ross!" You shout, causing people to turn around and look at you. "I'm right here" you hear a faint voice echo. You look left and right, up and down, getting rather dizzy and then you spot him. You run towards him, your hair bouncing. He drops his case and opens his arms. You jump into them and he twirls you around. "I've missed you so much" you say as he puts you down. His arms wrap themselves around your waist, your head on his shoulder. "Me too. Me too" he whispers into your ear.
"Come on guys, let's leave them to it and head to the car, it's just outside" your mum says and leads everyone outside. You let go of Ross but you still feel his grip on you. It begins to loosen as you let go. You blush and get flustered. "We better get going" you say picking up his suitcase. "Yeah but let me get that" he smiles, taking the handle out if your hand and gripping it with his.
Back at your House
"Just put all the cases in my room and I'll call in a pizza" you say and grab the phone. They do so and then gather in the living room and talk about their lives in LA and the upcoming tour. "And when will your mum and dad be joining us? My m asks. "In a few days, they are driving here but are staying in the 'La Vista' hotel. They told us to tell you thank you for the offer but they don't want your house to be too over crowded" Rydel proclaims. The door goes and the dog starts to bark. "I'll get it" Ross says and opens the door. "Pizza is here" he shouts in. "How much is it?" Ross asks. "It's on the house. Is (Yourname) in?" The pizza delivery guy asks. Ross looks confused but thankful. "Yeah. Sure and thanks" he says handing the three pizza boxes over to Ratliff. Ross shouts on you and you shout down that you'll be there in a second. " So, how do you know (your name)?" Ross asks. "She's my girlfriend" the boys says looking not to happy. "Oh you must be Kyle then. It's nice to meet you. (Your name) talks a lot about you" he hold out his hand for Kyle to shake it but Kyle just stares at it. Ross puts his hand into his pocket and turns around. He lets you walk past him and into the doorway. "I got this" you say and he walks back into the living room.
After 10 minutes I talking you walk back I to the living room which is full of people but is in comets silence. "Charming I'm sure" Ross jokes. "He isn't usually like that, I'm sorry. Kyle's been a bit of a jerk latel" you apologize. "Tell me about it" Ross growls sarcastically. "Well, let's eat!" Ryland says and everyone tucks in.
"So Ross, what's happening with you and Laura?" You mum asks. "Mum!" You shout getting embarrassed. "Nah, it's cool" Ross says shaking his head. " Laura and I are just friends that's all" he laughs. "Are you sure because I'm sure I see something between you both" she asks. You just sit there getting even more embarrassed. "Well, yes, something is there between us but I'm not quite sure what it is. She told me that she has feelings for me but we need to sit down and discuss what will happen" Ross explains. "And do you have feelings for her?" "I'm just going to go put these pizza boxes in the bin" I interrupt rather ubruptly. "I'll come with you" Riker says and we walk into the kitchen.
"Are you okay?" He asks as we walk out into the garden. "Fine why!" I say firmly. "You looked rather annoyed when Laura came into the subject topic" he explains. "Did I? Sorry I didn't... I just...grrrr" you shout and throw the box in the recycling bin. You sit on the grass and sulk. "Listen, just ignore it. Come here" Riker helps you stand up and welcomes you into his embrace. You hold into him tightly so that he doesn't see the tears rolling down your cheeks. "You may Ross' best friend but you are my friend too. I know when your crying" he comforts you. He loosen his grasp on your body and places two fingers under your chin. He lifts you head and with the other hand wipes away the tears. You stare into each other's eyes for a few moments. Everything is quiet. For a moment you both forget about the world. Your heads move closer together, your eyes close. You can feel his heavy breathing on your face...
"Guys, I...Ohhhh".
A/N- I've been wanting to write this for ages but to be honest I forgot. Sorry it's rather boring is just a filler chapter really. Sorry about the wait. I hope you enjoyed it though!

Just Say You'll Stay (R5 Fanfiction)
FanficHow does it feel when your best friend is miles away from you? Only you can answer that. An R5 fan-fiction where you, yourself are involved in the story. Once you get your best friend back, will you be able to persuade him to stay?