Author's Note: As I read over the last chapter I realised there were some spelling mistakes. Sorry. My autocorrect does decide to change certain things all on its own. However I do hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Now let's get a move on with the second!
You hesitate for a second not knowing whether to answer your phone or not. You count to three and just answer it, putting Kyle on speaker.
"Hey (yourname), listen. I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me. It'll never happen again."
You cry a little as Kyle shouts down the phone.
"Babe don't cry. I didn't even enjoy it. I was drunk!" Kyle pleads.
"Oh and that's suppose to make it all better now is it. You kiss another girl and just because you didn't enjoy it means that it's okay! You hurt me Kyle!" You shout.
"Babe, I don't know how many times I can say that I'm sorry. Can I come round? Please? I need to see you".
You fight back the tears and try your best to say no but all that comes out is "I suppose so".
"Great. I'll be round later babe. Love you".
You hang up and start crying. You back into a corner and slide down the wall. Tears stream down your face. You head hides behind you knees. You hate Kyle for how he has treated you but you can't help but love him.
Ross' POV
Everything was finally in the van and we were off. It wasn't long until we arrived at the venue. Whilst the rest of the band set everything up I talked to Ryland about taking some time off.
"It's just not possible the now Ross, you know that. I booked you up for the next two weeks and you're starting season the new season if Austin and Ally soon. It's just not possible. I'm sorry" Ryland explains. "It's cool bro, but as soon as there is a slot open, tell me"! I say. "I will, I'm working on it" he says and walk off and talks to the venue manager.
I help the rest of the guys to set up the stage. We sound check and then we go out for a bite to eat. We cross the road and go into a little Italian restaurant called Papa Fanco's. "Hold on. I have to take this" Ryland says answering his phone. The rest of us walk inside only to be greeted by a funny looking Italian man. "Table for 5?" The waiter asks. "No, 6 sorry. We're waiting on someone" Riker explains. The waiter sits us down and we all order drinks. "What about Ryland?" Rydel asks. "Can we have another coke as well please?" Riker asks adding on another drink for their youngest brother. We all start talking a out tonight's gig. "Apparently they're over booked" Rocky says with excitement in his eyes. "Wait. That's over 300 people then" Ratliff squeals. "Seriously! That's awesome!" I say and the waiter comes over with our drinks. "Are you all ready to order?" He asks. "Not just yet sorry" Ratliff proclaims. "No worries, just shout on me when you are ready" the waiter says.
Just as he walks away to another table Rydel squeals. "Guys look! (Yourname) text me. It's snowing in Colarado!". She shows us the picture. "I know, I saw it earlier, look, see, I replied" I said taking Rydel's phone off her and scrolling down. "I miss Colorado" Rocky says. Just as that Ryland walks in. "We'll you won't be missing it for long" he says as he swaggers in. "How come" I gasp. "Pack your snow boots guys. I just got us a 10 month tour contact. 1st stop, Colorado"!
Everyone talks with excitement in their voice. I watch them as they all smile and hi-5 one another. All I can do is sit there and smile. A tour is amazing. I can't wait but I'm even more thrilled that I get to see my friend again.
Your POV.
You lift your head and wipe away the tears. Just as you do that your phone rings. "What the hell is it now?" You yell down the phone. "(Yourname)? Are you okay? What's up?" A soft and gentle voice speaks through the phone. "Ross, yeah, I'm fine. I thought you were someone else there" you say trying to sound as if you haven't been crying.
Ross: "What's up? You sound like you've been crying".
You: "Nothing I'm fine. Just tired that's all".
Ross: "I may not have seen you in ages but you're still your best friend. I know when you've been crying and when your lying to me now tell me what's wrong".
You: "Honestly, it's nothing. Me and Kyle had a fall out but we're sorting it tonight".
Ross: "I might of known it was something to do with him. What did he do?"
You: "Ross leave it. Now why did you call?"
Ross: "Guess!"
You: "What?"
Ross: "Our amazing little brother has managed to bag us a 10 month tour contact!"
You: "Ross! That's amazing I'm so happy for you! Congratulations!"
Ross: "Thanks. I'm so stoked but that's not all. Guess where our first show is!"
You: "You're not being serious... Ross!"
Ross: "Yep! Littleton, Colorado!"
You both scream down the phone to each other. You jump up and dance a little.
You: "I can't believe I get to see you all again! When are you coming over?"
Ross pauses then you hear him shout to Ryland, asking him when they leave to go to Colorado.
Ross: "In 3 weeks Ryland say. We need to sort out accommodation and all that first".
You: "No you don't, you can all stay at mines. My mum will be fine with it and anyway, she has conferences from the 23rd to the 31st in New York so she will only be here for a day. You can all stay here!"
Ross talks to the rest of the gang and they all agree to stay only if it is okay with your mum.
You: "Then it's sorted. I'll ask her when she gets home but she's bound to say yes".
Ross: "We'll talk about it later, the waiter is coming over and telling us to settle down. I'll call you at 8 tonight. Bye".
You: "Bye".
You hang up and run around in circles ecstatic. There's a huge smile on your face. "Nothing is wiping this smile off my face today Rocky" you giggle, pouring yourself a glass of water. You take a sip but the doorbell goes. You put the water down and run to the door as Rocky starts to bark. You open the door, still with the huge smile on your face, only for it to drop as you see Kyle standing in the now open doorway.
Kyle: "Hi".
You: "Hi".
Kyle: "Well can I come in?"
You stand to the side allowing Kyle to step through the door. He walks into the living room. You close the front door and then follow him.
"Babe" he sighs holding out his arms for you to embrace. You shiver, unsure what to do. Your brain is telling you to ignore him and sit down but your hearts is telling you otherwise. Unaware you walk towards him and join his embrace. His hug feels tight. You can tell he wants your forgiveness. He places his head on your shoulder, moves in closer to you neck then puts his lips against your ear. You can feel his erratic breath on your skin as he whispers "I'm sorry" in your ear. "Will you ever forgive me?" He asks loosening his grasp. There's a long moment of silence. "Well?..." he says placing two fingers under your chin and moving your head up so that your eyes were in line with his. His big, green emerald eyes were so beautiful that you could easily get lost. He brings his head closer to yours but you don't lose eye contact. You place your hands at the back of his head, playing with his short brown hair. Tugging it ever so gently with one hand, you pull him closer with the other until. Your lips eventually touch. Both sets of eyes are closed. You start to daydream as you let him take the lead but all you can thing about is Ross.
You pull away immediately but Kyle tries to drag you back in. You push him away once more. "What wrong babe?" He asks, looking at you with a rather puzzled expression. "Nothing, I... I just thought I heard something" you smile. He pulls you back into his arms and starts to kiss from your neck upwards. You do not move. You do not flinch. Even as Kyle's lips touch yours all you can think about is Ross.

Just Say You'll Stay (R5 Fanfiction)
FanfictionHow does it feel when your best friend is miles away from you? Only you can answer that. An R5 fan-fiction where you, yourself are involved in the story. Once you get your best friend back, will you be able to persuade him to stay?