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Savannah's Point Of View

I had just woken up from a restless sleep. The sun shone through my small chipped window and onto my face. I rubbed my sore eyes and stood up straightening out my night gown and wondering across my room to change. I grabbed one of my dresses, pulling my night gown over my head and onto the floor.

I was now dressed in a plain dress and was sitting on our small porch just enjoying the sunlight that soaked into my skin.

When I looked ahead I became confused. Mother was walking up the small dirt path that ran from town to our yard holding a horse and carriage by a thick rope. The carriage seemed to hold tools and other implements. She began to pet the horse with a grin. How did she get such an animal? From where? Both the carriage and the horse must have cost a fortune, in which we did not have.

"Mother?" I rose from my seated position on the small porch and began walking towards her. This really was a shock, it must have cost a fortune.

"Oh Savannah..." My mother quickly turned around, it was almost like she was frightened I was there. "I- we have some news... Your father and I." She didn't sound happy, almost like she was hiding something. "We will tell you when your father gets back."

"How did you-?" I pointed to the horse taking a few steps closer so I was only an arms distance away. Mother simply ignored my question and sauntered past me and towards the house.

I ignored my mother's rude actions and stepped one step closer to the horse. I outstretched my hand carefully not wanting to scare the animal. It moved closer giving me access to the top of its head. I softly stroked the blood bay hair that covered a majority of the horse's body. It was a beautiful color when the sunlight was reflected off.

I loved the vibe I felt when I was around horses. It was as though they knew exactly what you were thinking and feeling. Right now I was confused and worried.

I have heard stories about Millicent's family and how they traded their daughter to a farmer's son for farming animals. She was mistreated badly and she killed herself. Apparently she was in-love with someone else.

The only single farmer in town is Samuel Hitchcock; he is the meanest, rudest individual I have seen in my seventeen years of life. I hated him with a passion, him and his filthy rich family. My parents would never do that to me, they knew how much I despised that idea. I am their only child and I mean too much to them, I know it. So where did mother get the horse?

I wanted to find out but mother said she would tell me when father got home. I really hoped that was soon. It was only about four thirty and father was usually home by five o'clock so that should give me time to do my chores before he gets back.

I made my way back to the porch entering into our small two story cottage-house. It was smaller than most houses in town but was passed down generations to my family who occupied it now. I walked down the small hallway every few steps I took, a floor bored would creek showing just how old the place was.

As I walked past the kitchen I peered through the door and spotted my mother pealing one of the only foods we ever ate; potatoes. I sighed and kept walking along the hallway and towards the stairs that were situated at the end. I reached the first step and slowly started making my way to the top.

The thought that I couldn't get off my mind was how my mother could have gotten that horse. She was quite sour towards me so maybe it involved me? In what way? Who previously owed the horse?

My mind was swarming with thoughts as I entered into my room. I began to pick up all of my discarded dresses and clothing pieces. I was usually quite clean but lately I just hadn't been. I walked towards my window still holding my cloths in my hand, I looked past the large camphor tree and brick wall that separated the town from the forest. That feeling was back.

I had been getting this urge almost, it pulled me. It was like my heart was pulling me towards the forest but my brain was refusing. I knew entering the forest meant trouble and I had no desire to go into them. It wasn't just werewolves that roamed it, other savage animals that hunted in packs were known to kill people if they had the chance.

I sighed before placing the cloths into my favorite woven basket that I kept under the window. I could still feel the pull, but this time it almost felt as though someone was watching me. I glanced out the window once again looking into the forest. It was too dark to see past the first two layers of trees. I couldn't see anything so I just continued with the cleanup.

After about ten minutes I heard the voice of my father downstairs he was talking to my mother. After a few minutes of silence I began to hastily walk down the stairs. I wanted to know where the horse came from and why my mother was so rude to me earlier. It was all so infuriating.

I jumped the last two steps -something my mother hated- and walked along the hallway once again. I reached the entrance to our small kitchen, a small floor bored creaked gaining attention from both my mother and father. They turned to face me both looking annoyingly guilty. I raised an eyebrow, well tried to. I probably looked like I was trying to wink or something.

"Savannah you know your father and I have to talk to you about something? Something very important." Mother started the conversation. I nodded even more confused than earlier.

"I don't know how you will react..." She trailed off. My father looked from her to me then spoke up,

"Let's talk after dinner." He said getting the pot of potatoes off the fireplace. No, I wanted to talk now. I wouldn't be able to enjoy dinner knowing something is wrong, well something seemed to be wrong. If it was good news they were planning on telling me they would have told me by now.

I followed my father and mother into our poorly furnished dining room and took a seat at our tiny dining table. We all ate our undercooked meal in silence. I think my parents were thinking of how they were going to tell me whatever it was they needed to tell me.

Once I was finished I waited for my parents to finish also, they seemed to be taking longer than usual. Finally both my mother and father did, my father cleared his throat. "We know you are not going to be happy." He said as he looked from me to mother. "But it has to be done..." He trails off looking towards my mother to finish. By now I was so confused.

"Savannah, we sold you to Samuel Hitchcock."

n. thanks for giving this story a chance. the first person to comment gets a dedication. please tell me what you think by commenting. if you see a mistake please tell me haha. thanks.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2015 ⏰

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