Chapter one: leaving

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Second book on wattpad!!!!!!!!!!! Hope this one has more blood in it.

Ashleigh woke up to hear her mum say to her"ash we got the house one month ago but i didn't want to tell you and guess what!! We are moving into it in two days!!" Ashleigh was so excited that she hugged her mum and forgot that her 14th birthday was in two days.

Ashleigh phoned all of her friends and told them about the good news and they were all so excited for her but one of her very close friends, Brendan said "but when you move, are you going to be moving far away or are you going to be not close but around the area?" Ashleigh had forgotten and she didn't want to be the new girl again. "No" Ashleigh told Brendan. "I do not think I will be moving far." Good because I need someone to help me on my work." Are you sure that's the reason why? Because it sounds like you're quite fond of me." No no. We are just friends that helps each other do their work." Ok well then I've got to go packing up my clothes!!!" Then Ashleigh ended her call and called her other best friend Emily. "Hi Em!! Did you hear the news?" Yes and why didn't you tell me?" Oh sorry." That's alright but you can make it up to me by letting me come to your house right now so I can help you start packing." Oh really?!! That was what I was just going to ask you!!" What a coincidence. Now get ready because I will be at your house in ten minutes. Considering that I live five houses away from you and that you are a slow person to get ready." Ashleigh rolled her eyes and ended the call.

Ashleigh just finished changing out of her pyjamas and into some jeans, a T-shirt and a hoodie when Emily came in saying "and Ashleigh just finished getting ready in record slowest time!!" Ashleigh rolled her eyes and said "how do I pack? I don't even know where my suitcases are!!!"

" Tsk tsk tsk. This is why you need a tidy room ash!!"

" Hey!! Only me besties are allowed to call me that!"

"But I thought I was your bestie!!" Emily said pouting.

"You were. Now don't change the subject and help me finish packing!!!"

"*Ahem* don't you mean START packing? And I only help my best friends pack. But since you decided that I WASN'T your bestie then I am leaaaaaaaaving!!! See ya! Enjoy packing all. By. Your. Self!"

"Nooooo Emily don't leave me!!! I was being sarcastic!!"

"I know you were. I just wanted you to beg for me to help ya!" Emily said bouncing up to Ashleigh's room.

"Tsk tsk you meanie."

About three hours later, Emily had helped packed all the things Ashleigh had and took all the things Ashleigh didn't want.

"We should start a garage sale outside your house because you have so many things you don't want and it would be a shame to just throw it all away without getting some money for it. Are you sure you want to throw all of this stuff away?" Ashleigh looked at the stuff again and decided to keep four of the stuff.

"Great Em!! Now bring the stuff you don't want to my house and I will ask my mum for the things she doesn't want so we can sell it for our garage sale!! You make the posters Em, I will get the tables ready and I will grab a cardboard box for the money!! Now let's go!!!" The girls hurried away to do their jobs and Ashleigh got heaps of stuff from her mum and she found three tables long enough to put lots of things on it. Then Ashleigh found a cardboard box just the right size she wanted. There was a knock on the door and Ashleigh found Emily with a big plastic container full with stuff Emily didn't want.

"Let's set up outside of the house where everyone can see our stuff we have for sale!!"

"Sure ash. What do I do with all these posters I made?"

"Oh we stick them around the neighbour hood or somewhere else so they'd come around and buy stuff."

"What did your mum think about this?"

"She thought it was a great idea because it could help a little bit in paying off the mortgage. Now lets set things up."

"Oh yeah ah ash.... I kinda said the garage sale opens today at um... In half an hour?"

"WHAT?!!!! What time does it end?!!"

"Um... Around 4:30 pm?"

Ashleigh then decided to get things ready real quick while Emily went around putting the posters up. By the time Emily got back, Ashleigh was putting some toys up on the table. Emily quickly helped Ashleigh and decided to put the cardboard box behind the toys on the middle desk. By the time they were finished, there were three people looking at the tables looking really interested.

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