Chapter two

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I walked around town. I  just Finished selling the eggs, I see a small table with a recruitment officer sitting behind it. A small line of men waiting to sign up. I recognise a few of the people in the line. A skinny, lanky boy in the line used  to go to school with me. Another person, a bulky man with a scruffy beard owns the local butcher. I walked by ignoring the people in the line.  I get home and do my usual  routine. Money in the box, change clothes and feed the horses. I didn't have a lot of chores today so me and George went over to the field and had a kick about.The field was muddy due to the heavy rain last night. 

I ran to kick the ball. My foot slipped out from under me and I fell to the ground landing hard onto my shoulder. Brown muck covered my arm and face . George ran over laughing.

"You okay mate" he said with a grin throwing out his hand. I cake my hand in mud and grab his,  instantly his hand jolted away. I got myself up and started to walk home ball in my hand with George following.

I walked  up to the front door.

"Your not coming in here like that Tommy, get yourself cleaned up." 

"Yes mother" I said smiling.

I headed  over to the water pale. I drop my hands into the cold, clear water.  Instantly the water turned murky and brown, I splash the water on my dirty face. The cool liquid dripping down my skin.

After I cleaned  myself up I went to help mother in the kitchen, I set the table for tea and George dished up the meal. I started to eat when there was a knock at the door.

"Hello Master Becker. Is your mother in" 

I looked at the tall suited man, "Yes Mister Jones" I Said leading him into the kitchen.

"Mother the landlord  is here!" George whispered to mother.

"I guess you will be expecting the rent Mr Jones" mother sighed.

"Tommy fetch me the box from the cupboard"

"Yes mother" I reply

"Farms looking well Mrs Becker ", Mr Jones exclaimed trying to make conversation,

"Your not here to chat, your here to collect your money so take it and leave!" Mother said anger in her voice.

"Well, thank you, good day Mrs Becker",  He spoke as he left.

"Good day"

"I hate that man" I said in spite,

"Ever since farther left for war he has raised the rent by double, bastard" 

"Tommy watch your mouth, nobody is going to curse in my house" Mother shouted, tears forming in her eyes. 

I see what is coming and take George into the other room.

"Why does he do this to us Tommy, cant he see we don't have a lot of money" George whimpered 

"He is just a bad man that likes taking money from good people"I reply trying to hide my anger.

"Any way enough about that, you looking forward to tomorrow?"

"Yes, Tommy You know as its my birthday tomorrow does that mean you will do all of my chores?" He said with a smile on his little face.

"Just because you are turning 11 tomorrow does not mean I will do all your chores for you"

That smile turns into a frown,

"I tell you what pick one chore and I will do it" I said trying to bring back that smile

He looks up, 

"Tommy you know how I don't like cleaning out the stables" He said smirking

"Fine, I will clean the stable for you" I brush my hand through his hair.

"Go get ready for bed"

"Good morning Tommy" A wrinkled smile on the woman's face.

"Morning Maggie" I return the smile.

"How is the birthday boy?" 

"He is still asleep that lazy slob" I laugh

"Well tell him i said happy birthday" She said handing me a toffee for George.   

I pick up a small toy car, It was red and shiny.

"How much for this Maggie?" I ask holding up the toy

"Normally 2 pence but for you love I will do it for 1" replied Maggie

I pick out a single coin and place it on the counter.

"Thank you" I put the toy car in my pocket and leave the shop.

I walk home again on the muddy path, fresh horse tracks in bedded into the mud. I walk up to the house, mother is in the field tending to the crops. I open the wooden door and step Inside. George is at the table eating breakfast.

"Oh he's a jolly good feller oh he's a jolly good feller...." I started singing

He turns round a big grin on his face. I pull the small red car and the toffee from my trouser pocket.

"Happy birthday mate" I said handing him the items in my hand. 

"Thank you Tommy, Thank you so much" He grabs the car and starts pushing it across the wooden surface of the table.  Like every other morning I put the money in the box and get changed and go off to start my chores leaving George to play with his new gift. 

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