2; Lost

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Eula hissed loudly, clutching her injured knee. She frantically checked from side to side, making sure she lost the rugged looking man. She wanted to cry, but she knew crying won't help her at all. So instead, she stopped the tears and made herself believe that everything would be fine, that in the end, the three of them would be reunited, safe and sound.

Tearing a part of her shirt, she wrapped her scraped knee with the clothing. She attempted to stand up; cursing out words she wouldn't normally say as the searing pain shot through her leg. She limped while using trees to support her weight, and made her way towards God-knows-where and prayed for help.

Her stomach was growling loudly, reminding her of how long she last ate, and that was hours ago. She was really exhausted, and was pained; physically and emotionally. She wondered if she would ever get out of this forest that seemed to be endless for her. She was like in a maze, and she knew that there was no way out.

But no, she recalled all the mazes she ever played and much to her hope, there was a way out. There has to be.

After what seemed like an hour, the surroundings became peaceful. There was no sign of the old man and no noise could be heard except for the rustling leaves of the trees. Eula thought of June, Ferlyn, and Maffi, wondering if they were okay, and praying to the Heavens that they would be somewhere safe, unlike her, who was lost and was still in danger.

The group was supposed to be having fun. What happened though?

The old man happened.

Her right leg was numb, already used to the pain. She looked for sights of something edible, and found a banana tree. Thank goodness- she sighed. Making her way towards the tree, she dragged her body, using the last bit of her energy.

As she grabbed a bunch of ripe and yellow bananas, she slumped down the dirty ground, not minding her purple pants getting smudged with mud. She chewed the bananas silently, making no noises and slowly swallowed the mush.

After eating the bananas and resting for a bit, she continued walking, desperately looking for a way out. She explored every nook and curve, but to no avail, she hadn't found one. She was already losing hope when she saw a crooked cottage's roof awkwardly poking out of the trees.

She braced herself and decided to go there, wishing that someone might help her, help them.

The cottage was small, with clothes hanging at a clothes line attached to the window and a branch of tree. There was a corner where a big chunk of log was resting with an axe resting on top of it. Smoke was coming from the back like someone was cooking and a water pump was located at the left side of the cottage.

Eula trudged forward, careful to not make any unnecessary noise and took a small peek at the slightly opened door. What she saw drained the life out her face. She grew pale and she couldn't move.

But she had to leave the place or else she'd die. Inside was the old man sitting on the sofa with his feet resting on the circular table. His gun was placed near his reach and if ever the man noticed her presence, she'd be in deep shit.

EULA: Le Quatre, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now