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December 11. San Martin Outskirts near the dirt road. 6:30 a.m.


****Althea's POV 


One deep breath filled my lungs with oxygen. I fidgeted while I waited for a tricycle. It was a quiet morning and you can clearly hear the roosters crowing from the barrio. The sun peeked over the mountains and I savored its gentle warmth on my skin. 

Last night, I got the call I was praying for. Someone has apparently seen my father in the Capital a few days ago and I'm dropping by the police station today to ask for more details. There's a strong chance my Tatay is alive and heaven knows how relieved I am. And although I still have no news about my brother, I am happy that at least there's some progress with the search. 

I watched the greenery sway in the wind and let my mind wander.

A week has passed since Jade's unexpected visit. When she woke up her fever was gone. Ate Linda insisted to take her to the hospital so the doctors could monitor her condition. Jade frowned upon the idea and it took a while to convince her. She doesn't trust anyone in the hospital but I assured her that Ate Linda is on our side so she eventually agreed.

Before they left, I packed some clean clothes and toiletries for Jade so she can change her clothes and be more comfortable in the ward. I also gave her my old phone so we can stay in touch. I carefully placed it all inside a duffle bag and made sure it won't be too heavy so Ate Linda could carry it. Now I know why I kept that old phone with me aside for it's sentimental value. I bought that phone with my savings years ago when I worked as a cashier in Mang Tonyo's mini grocery. That's why I couldn't let go of it even if Migoy begged me to give it to him so he could salvage it's parts and sell it for 100 pesos. 

"Besides, it's still working and one day someone's gonna need it." 

I told my brother, and I was right!

I gave Jade a chaste kiss on the cheek and promised I would visit her as soon as I could. She didn't say a word but she shyly smiled back at me. Jade looked sad and I worried, if not for Ate Linda's assurance that she'll look after Jade while I'm out and what we spoke about including Jade's unannounced visit will remain a secret. I sighed as I watch them leave.

When her superiors asked, Ate Linda told them she found Jade sleeping under a mango tree near town. Since they suspect Jade has PTSD, they bought the explanation right away.

So now I'm alone in my house again, learning to cope with the rotational blackouts at night. Most nights, I just lie awake in the dark thinking about my family and Jade. A part of me felt guilty when Jade caught the fever even if it was her own idea to brave the outdoors and find me.

 To be honest, I'm also flattered. But why was she so adamant to see me that night? Yes we are aquainted and we connected but sometimes I feel like there's a bigger reason behind her audacious actions. Could it be because I needed to see that vision?

Right now, all I know is that the truth is slowly unravelling itself like a big jigsaw puzzle coming to life.

And so far my logic is telling me that...

The lady in my dreams is connected to Jade and I have no doubt about that although I'm not certain if they're the same person. Jade's "friend" is a real person and is still a giant question mark. And the biggest revelation of all, my late Nanay knows something. She seemed to know the lady in my dream and since the lady and Jade are connected... does that mean Nanay also knows Jade?


They have the same jeweller?  

Small world.

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