Chapter 16

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Kaia's P.O.V

I stayed silent as they walked in again. I prepared myself for a beating but it didn't come, I opened my eyes slowly to see a tray of food in front of me. "Eat it!" Someone shouted at me through the door. I jumped at their booming voice. I grabbed the food eating it, not caring if it tasted like it was as old as me. I sniffled as I sat there tears streaming down my face for what feels like the hundredth time.

"I want to get out of here." I whispered to myself, "What do you want with me?!" I yelled as loudly as possible. "Answer me!" I shrieked out again. The door swung open. "You better shut up." The guy said through gritted teeth. "Why?" I shouted, "Huh? What are you going to do kill me!? That wouldn't be worse than what you're doing now!" I said in his face as he came right in front of me.

"No, I'm sorry, no." I repeated as I felt a cool blade resting on my arm. "Help!" I screamed even though it was no good, the blade kept being dragged down my arm, blood instantly running out. "Stop." I said starting to feel tired, "Stop." I said again this time barely audible, I saw his devious smirk once more before everything went black.


"Kaia." I heard a lady say gently, I pried my eyes open, instantly shutting them because of the lights. "Kaia." She repeated. I slowly opened my eyes adjusting to the light. I saw my mom sitting on the edge of the bed I'm on, I looked around and saw I was in a hospital room.  "Mom." I cried out feeling relief, "They took m-me." I stuttered out as she hugged me. Not caring if we don't have the best relationship she's here and I need her, I hugged her back. "I know, I know." She mumbled.

"How did I get here?" I asked leaning back and looking around again. "Someone found you on the side of the road." She replied quietly, I nodded slowly. "Where's Liam?" I asked immediately, "I want to see him." I added on, she nodded. "He's on his way. He was at school." She assured me. "What time is it? How long was I gone?" I asked not knowing the answer. "One thirty in the afternoon and you were gone two weeks." She responded. "Two weeks?!" I shrieked, she nodded.

"Does Th-" I got cut off when Liam barged in, I grinned seeing him. "Liam." I said holding my arms out for him, he came over and hugged me not wanting to let go. "You okay?" I asked him quietly, I was holding the back of his head with one hand as he kept holding me. He nodded pulling back slowly, I frowned seeing his bloodshot and wet eyes. "It's okay, alright? I'm not going anywhere again, I promise." I mumbled to him, not that our mom is even paying attention anymore. I squeezed his hand reassuringly, I hate seeing my brother sad.


"Does Theo know I'm here?" I asked Liam, our mom had left a little while ago to get some food. "No, Scott told me to not say anything until we knew what shape you were in." He replied, I nodded slowly. "Was he worried about me?" I asked, I shouldn't care about him, he cheated on me, right? Liam nodded harshly, bringing me out of my thoughts. "I've never seen a guy like him seem so scared." He answered. I sighed as I could picture Theo- my Theo being scared.

"Kaia?" Theo breathed out in the doorway, "I told him not to come." Scott said appearing behind him. I looked at Theo, seeing how empty he looked, and that's when I lost it. I covered my mouth in an attempt to muffle my sobs. I saw Liam motioning for Theo to go to me, he hesitantly walked towards my bed. Once he reached it he sat down on the edge, Liam and Scott walked out slowly. I wrapped my arms around Theo and he instantly responded by hugging me back. "I'm sorry." He whispered into my hair as I sat there crying well he held me. I nodded not speaking.

"I didn't do it." He mumbled after a while, I had stopped crying by now. "What?" I asked confused, he can't be talking about what I think he is, can he? "I didn't cheat, I had called this girl, I was going to, but I don't think I would've been able to go through with it." He paused, "I don't even know why I was doing that, I just, I don't know, I'm sorry. I didn't want to put you through that. If I didn't do that we wouldn't be here with you in the hospital." He ranted as I saw his eyes fill with tears. I cupped his face, "Theo, it's not your fault. I didn't give you the chance to explain, but we can't just go back to how we were." I finished softly, he nodded sadly. Oh how I wish I wasn't the cause for his pain...

a/n; so I've decided that there is only going to be one or two more chapters until this book is finished..

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