Thou be banished by attachment

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More depression. "Ani, just tell me." she put her hand on mine, and held it. "I-I- just can't believe that she shes she's- gone. I stuttered on almost every word I said. "Ani, I'm still here, and I know it gets annoying  having to hide this- but you must, and you will. I love you, Anakin. I really do, but I know you keep beating yourself up about it." More comfort words, I thought. "Can I- sta-stay- he-here foo-fo-foorr- for a-ah-a while?""Of course you can, Ani." Then she layed on my shoulder like she used to. My pain realiver. "Padmè can you stay here too?" And she did. I drifted off to sleep- and I woke up in bed, alone. "Padmè? PADMÈ?" I yelled, as loud as I could, but my throat was sore, so it wasn't that loud. She came rushing into the room. What is it Ani? She asked, eyebrows raised. "I'm sorry I just didn't know where you were at." She looked at me, and threepio walked into the room. "Mistress Padmè,do you happen to know where- Master Ani! How delightful to see you!" "Yes threepio, good to see you to." I said. Threepio just walked out. "There looking for you, Anakin. The council. They're not even worried- but they're looking for you. They say they've got a mission. For you." "Padmè, I don't want to see them!" She thinks I'm a whiny baby, doesn't she. But she doesn't. She loves me. And I love her too. "Just get some rest, Anakin." So I fell asleep again, but this time... good memories. Meeting Padmè. Meeting Ahsoka. Meeting Qui-Gon. Meeting Obi-Wan. Meeting the council. (That wasn't such a good memory, they doubted me!) but it went on- podracing, building threepio, becoming a Jedi knight. Meeting Rex and the men. But it repeats- and the scenes go longer.

Present Phantom Menace; After him and Padmè meeting:
She was nice. I had been a little rude, but I was a slave. Qui Gon was really cool. I couldn't wait to Podrace. Win some money for once...
Present Attack Of the Clones:
I loved her. The Jedi code was stupid- why obey it? I'd give my life for her. She was beautiful. I'd liked her since we met. I loved her, I decided. But she thought I was creepy. I admit- I have been a little overprotective over her. But I was a padawan- and I didn't care.

Present Clone Wars
Lux Bonteri. Duchess Satine. I smiled. Just because Ahsoka and Obi-Wan followed the code, unlike me, they still had feelings. So I stood up in my quarters, and even though things were silent- i screamed. But going farther into it- I tried to go into their heads to find out about it. But did Ahsoka now that I knew? No she didn't. Thank Goodness. Obi wan? Yes, but I knew more than he thinks I know. I saw something I shouldn't have- but sniggering at the thought, I knew I couldn't ask them about it because I loved someone myself- greater then they had feelings. I saw Ahsoka kiss lux. Once I saw that memory, I could not stop thinking; I am not the only one around here. He's a senator! She's a senator! She's a Duchess! All interested in politics, that is.

I woke up, but Padmè is looking at me. I know that look. "Anakin, you must go back." That hurt, but I knew she was serious. "You heard me Ani, you've gotta go back." "And what? Get lectured at?" "Just do it..." So I did. It wasn't pleasant. Not at all. Obi Wan started lecturing me. "Anakin, you were gone for three rotations! This not a game. I know your upset about Ahsoka, but you shouldn't be locking yourself in a motel or someplace just to sit down and cry! You know better, Anakin, we are not going to break the Jedi code. Do. You. Understand. Me." I didn't answer. "But while you were hiding your nose, lets just say you'll be stuck with me for your next few missions." Great. I thought. "Aren't you going to talk?" I didn't answer. Oh, whatever, I'll go figure something else out. Nearly a day later, Rex was running up to me. "Sir, what's the matter?" I just shook my head. "General Skywalker, I know somethings up. You cornered me, fives, Jesse, Tup to tell you about our stories. Now it's yours, sir. I know your upset 'bout commander Tano, but they could keep ya stuck in command center, and we'd m.  be stuck with someone else. And I don't want that." Rex's words made me mad, but I knew he was following orders. Rex sighed, and said this:"Being a clone is harder than a Jedi." And he walked off. I thought about it. Just because us Jedi had be trained and force sensative, learn not to be angry, can't be angry at all, but be peacekeepers. Maybe being a clone is really hard. Most don't get to know what the war isn't even about- I heard Rex talking about some Cut Laquane n that didn't know what the war was about. Having a million people that look like you and talk like you. I'd hate that. Being sent to do missions, watching out for things- but they always talked about the nightmares. What nightmares? When some clones died slowly, they would hold hands and whisper about the nightmares end. I had nightmares- about Padmè, but they all had nightmares. When they were sleeping, sometimes I could see them moving, moaning, groaning, and even screaming. I just shake and moan. They have problems, and so do I. Another thing in common. Padmè was the only other being left. She is my life. She's helped me pull through things the council couldn't imagine. The dreams never end. So I went to my quarters. I didn't like it here. It wasn't home. I looked at my podracing posters on the wall, my ship models on my table. Ahsoka never asked about them, because I think she asked Obi Wan why I had so many toys. But still, it didn't matter. Not now, at least. Now, I deal with Ahsoka's absence. I hate all of it. It doesn't feel the same anymore. I can't believe I ever thought that I didn't want a padawan. And now, she was gone. I figured something else was gonna go on. Something darker, something the Jedi didn't know about. I pushed my thoughts away, and turned them back to Ahsoka. That's it. It's over.  I thought about ending my terrible life, but I still had Padmè. I would go see her, but she's busy with the senate, as usual. So I just sat there, being sober with all my loss. But someone tried to get in. Obi Wan- Him "OBI WAN!"  I yelled, letting my anger take control. "Anakin, you must calm down. Really it is getting on everyone's nerves. So Anakin, come out now." I opened the door. And I will always regret it. Lectures, Lectures, Lectures. Lalalllalalala- came out for lectures. Attachments, attachments, attachments. Jedi can't have attachments. All the same thing over and over. Same lectures, same feeling. Ugh. I hated these lectures. So I just left, and Obi wan started to run after me. So I ran. What, like, I never ran except now. I always roll my eyes or just tune them out. But the things- the past- the future. And there, was where I gave up. So I stopped.

Well- Memories have come onto Anakin, but in the Next chapter things might go deeper- fully fledged details with confusion. Oh, and if your not, please go follow @arc_fives_ on Instagram!

Another update/ A/N: Sorry for no paragraphs and grammar mistakes. I posted this in May yet I wrote it in Feburary. My, I forgot to upload Jump Start, (which  I don't know why I named it that) until now! And I wrote that in April! 

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