The Boy Who Returned~ Chapter Six

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"Hello?" I asked groggily, putting my phone to my ear and yawning widely.

"Hey, uhm, is this Liz?" Asked a voice with a slight British accent. A pretty damn sexy British accent, too. Spencer. I realized, and sat bolt upright in bed, all traces of sleep vanishing from my mind.

"Oh, hey." I greeted him, hoping that my voice remained nonchalant whereas my body thrummed with the jitters.

"This is Spencer. Did I wake you up?" He inquired, sounding concerned.

My stomach twisted, in a good way. "Of course not, I was just getting ready to go to school." I said, running my fingers through my hair and glancing at my alarm clock. Shit. "I'm late!" I yelped, shoving my covers off of me. 10:30 AM. School had started 2 hours ago. Why hadn't my alarm gone off?

Spencer chuckled on the other end of the line. "Relax, doll. School isn't going anywhere."

"Yeah, but Mr. Johannson's temper is." I grumbled, yanking on a random pair of jeans and tucking my phone between my chin and my shoulder. "I already have detention with the bastard for a week." Then put my hand to my mouth, remembering who I was talking to again.

Spencer laughed. "You make me laugh." He told me, not seeming to care about my colorful language. "Liz, will you go on a date with me?"

I chose this perfect moment to freeze, one foot suspended in midair as I attempted to get my uncooperative feet into a pair of battered up Converse. Then, being the klutz I am, I fell with an unceremonious thump. Flat on my face.

"Liz?" Spencer asked, his voice filled with amusement. "Liz, are you alright?"

I cleared my throat and picked my phone back up. "Yes, I'm perfectly fine." I said with as much dignity as I could muster. "Could you repeat the question?"

"Are you alright?" He said again, patiently.

"Oh, no. Not that one." I muttered, my voice muffled as I pulled a t-shirt over my head. "The other one, before that." I rinsed my mouth out as best as I could with water and haphazardly threw my knotted hair up into a ponytail.

"Oh, that one. I asked if you wanted to go on a date with me." He clarified, as I grabbed my keys off of my bedside table and clattered downstairs.

I stuffed a granola bar into my purse and was halfway out the door before his words fully registered in my mind. "Wait, did you just ask me out?" I exclaimed, incredulous.

"I believe I did." Spencer said calmly.

I felt like swooning. "Oh, well... s-sure, I guess. If you want. I mean. Yeah. Sure." I stuttered, finally willing myself to move and get into my car. I would've smacked myself in the forehead right then and there, if my arms hadn't been full of my backpack, purse, and other miscellaneous items that had seemed to appear out of nowhere. I dumped them into the passenger seat and started the engine.

"Great. How about I pick you up from school this afternoon? I know where it is."

"Cool." I said distractedly. "That sounds... fun." I pulled into the school parking lot and stumbled out, somehow managing to juggle my breakfast and school materials and a phone all at the same moment.

"You don't sound very enthusiastic." Spencer commented.

"My sincere apologies." I panted, trying not to sound sarcastic as I pulled open the door of the main entrance and practically burst into the main office. "But I'm really, really busy right now. I'm at school and I have to go."

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