The Boy Who Returned~ Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to Jesus, My Savior. <3

The chattering of children filled the warm spring air as the golden haired boy stepped up to the little wide eyed girl. "Hello," he said. "My name's Skyler, but everyone calls me Kyle. What's your name?" He inquired.

The girl tilted her head to survey him through her big, blue eyes. "I'm Lizzy. Why does everyone call you Kyle? I think I'm going to call you Sky instead. Then you can have a pretty name."

Sky pouted. "But Sky is a girl's name!" He complained.

Lizzy fisted her tiny little hands and placed them on her hips. "Do you want to be friends or not?" She demanded haughtily.

Sky looked down at his scuffed shoes sheepishly. "Sure, I guess. You can call me Sky. Hey, do you want to get married?"

The dark haired girl contemplated for a moment, placing a chubby finger on her dimpled cheeks. "Okay. Why not?"

Sky then reached down, taking her hands into his own, and slipped a tiny ring made of intertwined dandelions onto Lizzy's finger. The dandelion ring was a promise, something Sky had made prior to introducing himself to the beautiful girl in hopes of capturing her heart. And that promise was sealed with a clumsy kiss between a little girl with big eyes and a boy with golden hair.


That was nine years ago. I closed the faded photo album that my mom had so painstakingly preserved for the past decade and exhaled. The album contained so many treasured memories. I had always wondered where Sky went after that. It was the summer of fifth grade that he had moved away. We promised to keep in contact, but when you're so young you tend to forget how easily someone can be torn out of your life. It had been a while, but when I finally brought up the nerve to call that smeared number on the crumpled scrap of notebook paper one day in seventh grade, the number had been disabled.

Ever since then I had struggled to erase the golden-haired boy with chocolate brown eyes from my mind, but he was a big part of my childhood and it's difficult to forget someone who has made such a large impact on your life. I reached under my bed and groped around for a bit until I pulled out an old shoebox. Reaching in, I took out the dried dandelion ring that I had kept all these years and slid it onto my finger, surprised it still fit.

On sudden impulse, I got down to my knees and sent a prayer to the Heavens. May this beautiful boy reenter my life, whether it be for minutes or for life, so I may see him again. Murmuring a sincere "Amen", I got to my feet and returned the dandelion ring to its rightful place under my bed, and went to sleep with the thoughts of a little golden-haired boy swirling around my head.

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