Chapter 10

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Marleah POV (Whaaat?)

I choked on my Dr. Pepper.

"Oh my god, Kevin Olusola!" His laughter sounded like shrieking.

I threw a strawberry at him furiously before breaking out into giggles.

Turning to face him lying on the couch in our management office, I sighed, sinking into my chair.

"I'm sorry, Mar," he said, still chuckling.

I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out. "Yeah, tell your mom that you're sorry," I spat mock-angrily.

He feigned offense but not for long; he broke into laughter again. and I tried to resist laughing to no avail.

Okay, let's be honest, we weren't mature, nor had we ever pretended. Sex jokes were hilarious, especially when they concerned Mitch.

But, the thought of Mitch seducing Scott right now was not an image I needed, no matter how hilarious.

"Anyway, how do you think they're doing?"

Kevin shrugged. "Well, I hope," he said simply.

I exhaled in amusement." Yeah, me too, Kev."

Pulling out my phone, I opened my Twitter app. I was following 15 different tabloid profiles just to keep tabs on Mitch's popularity.

Scrolling through my timeline, more and more pictures of Mitch appeared on my screen.

My mouth dried and I'm sure my face blanched. "Kev..." No response. "Kevin," I forced out through clenched teeth.

He glanced over at me. Seeing my face, he leaped off of the couch and approached me.

"What's wrong?" He asked cautiously. "Is it Mitch?" He inquired.

Slowly, he took the phone out of my hands as I just stared into space, shocked.

I knew he saw the photos by the startled gasp from his lips. He scrolled through the timeline more as I timidly watched out of the corner of my eye.

I felt sick as I heard the wail of a siren from the phone and people shouting.

He slipped the phone back into my hands and sat down next to me.

Gently, he slipped an arm around me, rubbing my back in a comforting manner.

"Mar, that- we... we don't know that that's Mitch, okay. The hospital still has to call us. It could be someone else, you know that paparazzi twists the truth and spreads false information." He spewed informatively, trying to keep the quivering worry out of his voice.

I knew he was trying to keep it together, for me, but I couldn't help the tears sliding down my cheeks.

"It- it happened again, Kev," I sobbed, my body shaking violently.

He shook his head. "No, no, you don't know that, Mar. We need to keep a straight head for Mitch, okay?" Slowly, I wiped my nose on the sleeve of my black Troye Sivan sweater, grimacing.

"I'm a mess," I whispered, voice breaking.

Kev sighed, shaking his head again. "No, you're not." He reached onto the table and pulled over a box of tissues. "Here," he said.

Grabbing one, I blew my nose, making a horrible honking noise. Kev broke into a chuckle and I smiled a little.

"Come on, Little One," he said calmly, standing up and stretching out his hand.

I took it, standing up.

"We are simply taking a leisurely drive to the hospital, in case something might have happened to Mitch, okay? Don't get all worked up." I nodded fervently.

"Okay, Kev, let's go," I said desperately. I went to grab my purse when my phone rang.

Glancing at the Caller ID, I saw Scott's name.

A furious anger I didn't know I possessed rushed through me.

Sliding the answer button, I put the speaker to my ear, gesturing for Kevin to wait a minute.

"Marleah, oh thank god, I-"

"Where the hell is Mitch?" I forced out, my jaw clenched tightly.

"He, I don't know, the doctors, they won't-" He sounded so worried and distraught, I almost felt bad for yelling.

"Scott, what happened?" I interrupted. I didn't care what Scott's sob story was, I cared about Mitch's well-being.

"Th-there was this man, and Mitch, he asked who I was, and-" He rambled desperately, trying to string words together. I recognized the feeling.

"Scott, Kevin and I are his emergency contacts, the hospital is going to try to get in touch with us, I have to go. We're on our way, okay?"

I felt Scott exhale tensely. "O-okay." He said.

Quickly, he hung up.

Hurriedly, Kevin and I got into our car and made our way to the hospital.


Getting out of our car when we reached the hospital was a huge mistake.

As soon as we climbed out of our car, paparazzi seemed to materialize out of nowhere.

Suddenly, we were swarmed by hordes of reporters and camera crews screaming our names.

"Marleah! What can you tell us about Mitch's condition?"

"Kevin, do you know the details on what happened?"

"Scott Hoying was spotted with Mitch Grassi this morning, can you elaborate on the details?"

I felt myself break a little, from trying to hold everything in too hard.

Thankfully, Kevin saw and diverted attention. As I pushed through the crowd, to the front door of the hospital, rushing to the reception desk.

"Please, I'm here for a man that should have arrived around 15 minutes ago? His name is Mitchell Grassi?" My eyes searched that of the receptionist, and he looked taken aback, staring at my disarrayed appearance. "NOW!" I banged the desk.

His fingers flew on the keys and he pulled up information about Mitch.

"Um, y-yes, he was admitted 15 minutes ago. He is actually in the midst of an MRI. He'll be out in 3 minutes. I'll page the doctor that ordered the scan."

I nodded quickly, exhaling a sigh of the sweetest relief, only to tense up again. MRI? "Okay. Okay, I really appreciate it. Thank you so much."

He nodded, still eyeing me like I was going to leap over the desk and kill him.

Slowly, he backed up to the paging system, calling a doctor, keeping eye contact with me the entire time.

Carefully, he made his way back to the front.

"Alright, Dr. Richards will be up in 5 minutes to update you on Mr. Grassi's condition."

I nodded gratefully. "Thanks so much."

"You're welcome," he said, taking his seat and sliding the window shut. Still didn't trust me, I guess.

"Marleah?" I froze at the familiar voice.

I spun around to face the blond-haired man.

"Oh, Scott. You have some explaining to do," I said coolly, eyeing him.

I swear I saw him gulp in intimidation.

I'm Sorry (Sequel to "No Feeling")Where stories live. Discover now