Chapter Three: Nightgown

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I saw a boy. He was sitting alone under a beautiful tree, enjoying his solitude while studying from an old textbook. His hair was jet black, and shoulder length, the same color as his licorice colored eyes and robes, but contradicting with his pale skin. Suddenly a group of boys his age came up to him. Dread and anger filled his features. "Well, well. If it isn't little Snevillous." One teased. The rest laughed harshly. The one who had spoken, a brown haired boy around fourteen with glasses, seemed to be the leader. The black haired boy sat unmoving. Then, out of no where, the boy with glasses muttered a spell, sending the black haired boy flying upwards into the air, dangling upside down. They all laughed and ridiculed him.

Then came the memories of the same black haired boy, this time much younger. He was watching another young child, a girl, with long red hair and green eyes. The little girl smiled and showed another girl, this one older and less attractive, a flower in her hand. She made it bloom. The other girl slapped it from her hand and began yelling at the other one. The boy ran up to them. The shouting girl gasped and yelled something else at the girl before sprinting off. The boy approached her.

"I saw that." He told her. She pretended not to know what he was implying. "I don't know what your talking about." she crossed her arms defiantly. He ignored this. "She's just jealous because she can't do magic like us." the girl did a double take. "You can do it too?" she asked.

He nodded. "I can. And soon we can both go to school for it." He told her. She seemed even more shocked by this. "Theres a school?" He smiled at her and nodded, then began to explain it all to her in rich detail. It was all interrupted by Professor Snapes voice. "STOP!" He demanded, and I instantly remembered back into the room. I was wide eyed. I was just in HIS head.

He looked exhasperated. How personal were those memories? Who was the bully boy, and the red headed girl? But I had learned not to speak up unless spoken to. So I remained silent. Professor Snape went to his desk, holding his head in his hands with his face downwards. I got out of my seat and walked up to him. "Professor... I'm so very sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"Leave." His voice wasn't loud, yet I fumbled back to obey his request anyways. What have I gotten myself into? I have now trifled with the most dangerous man in Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. And that voice... So powerful, yet he has no need to yell to strike fear into people. And so...

I didn't compleat that thought. Perhaps I was too frightened, or even just unable to muster up that I was going to think he had a chillingly wonderful voice. It seemed to reach into my soul, shake my bones.

Could I be developing a crush???

The next morning I met up with Hermione in the library. I was dressed down in my usual weekend attire (black pleated skirt, black scarf, scarlet red sweater, and my black bottomless pouch purse. I wore my knee high black socks along with my black muggle brand 'Ugg' boots), though Hermione and the rest were casually dressed in jeans and sweaters. I instantly felt like a depressing out of place character.

Yet, they all welcomes me warmly. "Ah, you came!" Hermione greeted menwith a toothy smile. Her long tight curled hair, unlike my loose ringlets, was tied up. Her sweater was a light pink, and a blue scarf was around her neck. I nodded to them. "Yes, well, I've never been out of the castle grounds before." I admitted. They looked at me in awe. "Your saying you've never left Horwarts before during the school year? And your a sixth year?" Ronald asked in shock. Harry elbowed him, and he shrugged innocently. "Well, we would be happy to show you around, Claudinia."

It amazed me how warm and welcoming they could be to a loner Slytherin like me.

The tour they provided me with was we done. Oh when we were in the Three Broomsticks did things begin to turn south. "Hey, look who came out of her shell." Pansy Parkinson, a nasty Slytherin girl, pointed at me with one bony finger. She was with Draco Malfoy and Crabe. I ducked my head down. "And with those Gryffindor jerks?!" Draco added, amazed and angry. "That's betrayal!"

"She can hang around with whoever she wants to." Harry snapped at my defense. Draco turned on him. "Shuttup, Potter." He demanded. "Well, it's your own fault for being so unwelcoming." Hermione shot back. Pansys face lit up with crime humor. "Well, mudbloods ARE weak, so it would make sense for her to flock to them."

Hermiones face dropped. Ronald opened his mouth to speak, but I felt mine open first. I'm not sure what got into me. Perhaps it was that my father always ridiculed mentor being a mudblood due to my muggle mother, or that the term brought so much sorrow to the only person who has ever befriended me. Anger boiled up and spewed out of me like a geyser. I flew out of my chair and got in her face, inches away. She stumbled.

"If you EVER say a thing like that to them again, you'll be screaming for mercy. Do you understand?" I sneered. My voice was quiet and my ever narrowed to slits. She nodded. "Good." I said, before taking my seat again. I felt her shoot daggers at me, cheeks blushing red from anger and embarrassment, and she stood abruptly. I thought maybe she would come after me, but instead, she grabbed Dracos arm. "Come on. I don't want to be here any longer. It smells like filth." She hissed, dragging him along. All the way I felt Dracos eyes stare at me with amazement. This woe be spread, I knew. But what does it matter? I will finally be gaining the strength to stand up that I so desperately wanted and needed.

That day had been fun, although Sunday was yet another alone day. I considered goog to see Professor Snape about another lesson, but my better judgment told me he had no intrested in another lesson or seeing me at all after the lastessons incident. So, I did what I thought I should have done long ago.

Using yesterday's gained knowladge, I set out to Diagon ally on my very own, via Floo Network. I wondered through the shops and alleyways for a while before finding what I was looking for. A pet shop.

As I entered the shop, a plump woman with frizzy short brown hair tied up came at me from behind the counter. "Welcome, dearie! What can I do for you today?" She asked cheerily. Ironically, I was once again depressivly dressed in long floorlength black robes, a white long-sleeved button up shirt, and a black knee length skirt with my boots. No tall socks today, however. With my hands in my pockets, and looked down shyly and silently replied. "I want a companion."

As if I were as elated as her, she chuckled. "Well, you've come to the right place! What are you looking for? An owl? Toad? Snake? Rat? Perhaps a newt or a-"

"I don't know. Something that would like to hear me speak, and calmly love me in return." I cut her off quickly. That was really all I wanted inthis pet. I don't care if it's furry or fanged. As ling as it will like me and listen to me thoughtfully. She nodded, thinking. Then, the imaginary light flashed above her head. "I know the perfect thing for you!" she then trotted to the back of the noisy shop, and I slowly followed after, caged animals equaling and staring at me.

She came back as soon as she had disappeared. This time, with a furry ball of animal in her arms. "This cat wandered in yesterday morning. She's a lively little rascal, but gentle and sweet. And goodness, she loves to follow one around and rub on the leg!" The woman laughed again, handing me the small calico cat. She was the size of a textbook, still young but not a kitten anymore. Her underbelly was white, and her top and sides were splotched with brown, orange, and black. Her tail was completely spotted. As was the top of her head and cheeks, where playful white whiskers popped out. Her large bulbous eyes were glimmering and a pale green, rimmed with chestnut brown. She instantly rubbed her head against my cheek and I smiled. "Oh, will you look at that! Shes already taken a liking to you!"

I had to admit, it was darned cute. And soft. The funny purring noise bellowed from her chest, vibrating against me. I snuggled her. My friend. My new pet.

"Well, what will you be naming her?" The woman clerk asked me. Without looking up or hesitating, I replied. "Her name will be Nightgown."

The woman didn't protest at my absurd name. "How cute." She chirped instead. "Will you be wanting a cooler for the darling, and tags?" I looked up now, confused? "Coller and tags? What's that for?"

"Well, to show she is yours, of course!" Wouldn't want anyone thinking she was a Stryker and taking her, would we?" The thought of someone taking away my new attachment made she shiver. "No." I said quickly, a bit too harsh. "Well then, let's get some for little Nightgown."

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