Chapter Thirty Two: Sadinia's Passion

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Harrys previous words echoed through my mind. "It's for the best." He was right, I knew. And I liked it better his way.

I just left the three, after an emergency meet up concerning out departure. Hermione had proudly informed me of the spells, charms, and plans of out hiding. She also showed me her bottomless pouch the size of a coin purse, bt that could hold a house.

I had to admit; I was impressed. She really thought things through thouroughly. Harry had told me that we weren't leaving until the school year was over. It would be a lot simpler that way, and we would basically not be skipping school, since it was summer break. We were close to it, anyhow. Just less than a month away.

All I could think about was Snape. Sure, before all this occurred, I though about what I would do over the summer without him. I even considered spending time with him over the break. Bt now I knew it was impossible. And it hurt every time I thought of it. So, I tried not to.

Atleast mother will be coming along, I reminded myself brightly. Mother had persuaded the three to allow her passage: she would be a great help, and no trouble at all. Besides; she wouldn't allow me to leave her sight, especially when I'm going on a dangerous mission.

Less than a month. Just two weeks and three days, in fact. That seemed like nothing. It wasn't enough. It would never be enough, I reminded myself bleakly. You will never se satisfied with your time with him, not matter if it was two weeks or two years.

But two weeks was slipping away fast.

School life went on, plainly as ever. One week passed as if it was only an hour. I hardly even got to see Snape. The agony of it all was beginning to get to me.

"Mrow." Purred my mother, rolled over on my bed in cat form. She stretched and snuggled into the sheets. I sighed. "Do you think I should?" I asked her. It was as if we've formed a telepathic bond over this time. She melded again, then closed her eyes lazily for a cat nap. I nodded to myself, checking my reflection in the mirror before leaving my room.

I walked quietly down the halls, though it was midmorning on a Saturday. No one was much in the castle today; the weather was wonderful. Clear and somewhat warm. I should be outside enjoying it, but I could seem to. Not alone. Perhaps I'll find Luna later. It's been a while since we had a walk.

Just as I entered the empty corridor leading to the intersection of Dumbledores and a few of the other professors offices, when I heard the murmur of voices. I was late on stopping myself, until I was already in plain sight.

Draco Malfoy, along with Pansey, Crabe, and Goyle, stood leaned against one of the stone walls as if they owned the place. I widened my eyes and stepped back, ready to turn around, when they called out to me. "Vitrosis! Where are you headed?" Draco yelled mockingly. I cringed, and turned back to face the front.

No. I won't let them hurt and tease me any more. I swallowed my fear and crossed my arms, hoping to look fearsome. "None of your business, Malfoy." I spat. They mockingly 'ohh'ed and laughed. "Someone got cocky!" He laughed. Pansey and the two boys sneered. I cleared my throat. "No. I'm just over your fearsome demeanor." I retorted sarcastically.

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