Playing The Player (4)

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~Alaina Samuels above~

Hey, just giving you guys an update, it's not very long but oh well I'll try to make it longer next chapter. Thanks everyone who is reading this story!

The door clicks into place as I enter what I used to call home and I can't help but let out a sigh. The house is dark and overcast with shadows from the setting sun and the place that used to be filled with various sounds of life and laughter is quiet. The foyer walls are white and pictures of past memories are lined up in a decorative manner, reminding me that a family used to live here.  Pushing off the door I toss my keys in the bowl sitting on the old hardwood table that sits against the wall and venture further into the house. I survey the living room and everything is as it was before I left. Clean, unused, almost like nobody lives here. Walking into the kitchen I hunch over the bowl of apples and pluck one out, immediately taking a bite. 

After my mom passed, we went to Michigan to stay with family members. I took online classes and my dad worked from my grandparents study. Perks of being a lawyer I guess. I shut my eyes and think back to how I would spend the majority of my time overlooking the lake. It became my safe space mostly because my mom was imprinted in everything there where she grew up. I could've stayed there forever. Secluded. I sigh remembering the day my dad told me we would be coming back. We hadn't been back since the incident and I had felt the dread building. I only had one more year of school though and I already knew that I would be choosing a school in Michigan. I wanted to stay with my grandparents, be closer to the place where my mom was happiest, not that my dad knew anything of my plans. He stopped asking a long time ago. Being a lawyer he was always busy with work and after my mom...well that never changed. If anything he submersed himself more into his job and I was left to find my way to a new normal. 

I toss the remainder of my apple into the trash and make my way towards the stairs. Before I'm able to start my journey up I can't help but glance towards the dads'study. The door is cracked and the light is on, but it's silent. Against my better judgment I walk towards the door and slowly peak in. He's hunched over his desk, sleeping. I slide further into the room and walk closer. The decanter that was once filled with his favorite whiskey is now half empty. Papers are strewn across the desk, his latest case. I kneel down and take a long look at the shell of a man I used to call dad. His salt and pepper hair, usually styled to perfection is unkempt. He hasn't had to go into office a few days now and the stubble on his face reflects that he hasn't felt the need to upkeep the image he portrays. 

My heart aches, because he didn't used to be a drunk. He wasn't going to receive a father of the year award, but he tried. He tried to be present, he tried to be invested into what was going on with us no matter how busy he was. He was fun and goofy, total dad vibes for sure. Now anytime we're in the same room he can't look me in the eyes. He locks himself away into his study and drowns his sorrows in a bottle. We're strangers to each other now, no matter how many gifts he gives me it won't make up for that. 

I run to the kitchen and fill up a glass of water, grabbing Advil I walk back to the study and set the items on the desk next to him. I click the light on and without a backwards glance I shut the door. The click echoes behind me. 


I practically drag myself up the stairs I'm so exhausted. Maybe we should have one of those elevator seat things that can carry me up the stairs, like in the movie UP. I shut the door to my bedroom as quietly as I can and begin to change into my Pajamas when I realize my window curtains are open. Not that it really matters, the house next door has remained empty ever since the Waller's decided they couldn't next to a house where someone died and moved somewhere more "family friendly". Such a shame, Casey Waller was my mom's best friend and a second mother to me. I could understand though. 

I begin to shut my purple curtains when I notice the "sold" sign out on the lawn of the house next door. Hmm, neighbors. I'll have to be more mindful of the curtains. Don't want to be handing out free shows. 


The rest of the week goes on uneventful, Jaxton and I ignore each other while his brother and I exchange an occasional 'hi'. The gossip and rumors continue and its getting kinda hard to refrain from punching someone in the throat. Especially Heather and her pack of dogs. Alaina is still my one and only friend, which is probably because she is the only one that can handle my shining personality. 

I stare at the ceiling, wondering if I really even need to get up. I'm exhausted from the night before and while I've never had trouble functioning from lack of sleep, today I seemed to be extra worn out.

Beep, beep, beep. The sound of a truck reversing pulls me from the relaxation session I was having with my bed. What kind of asshat decides to make so much noise at, I look at my clock, 6 a.m.? Why am I up so early some might ask? Well that's because I run in the mornings, a new hobby that I picked up after my mom died that helped me lose weight. It was hell at first, it took me a month before I could run 4 miles without feeling like I was going to faceplant and die of exertion. Now I can run 10 miles easily, it's actually calming. Plus my old therapist said it would help with my anger issues, it's not as effective as she would have thought.

I jump off my bed and peek out my curtains, well I see a U-Haul truck with no driver. Wait a minute I'm getting something here, a male figure walks out of the front door and towards the truck. The figure wears a hoodie, obscuring their face from view. But judging by their build they are definitely eye candy material.

Suddenly the figure's head snaps up to my window as if they felt my gaze and a colorful four letter word falls out of my mouth as I lock eyes with a pair of familiar ones. Oh hell no. I jump away from the window and grab my Nike's, shoving my feet into them. I rush down the stairs not trying to be quiet, I heard my dad leave for the office early today. He did leave a couple of 20 dollar bills for me though, his I'm-sorry gift or maybe a thank you for the hangover cure I left on his desk last night. I yank my door open and slam it, heading towards my neighbor-from-hell's house. This can not be happening, I need to calm down before I do something stupid. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe-

"Oh no. You can just pack all your things back up, there is no way you're living here."

Well that breathing exercise worked like a charm (is suffocated by the amount of sarcasm coming off this sentence).

He leans against the side of the moving truck in his driveway, "Now tiny, why would I do that when I have such a hot neighbor? Plus judging by the way you were spying on me I think you find me hot too."

And the urge to punch him in the throat arises.

"I was just trying to see what kind of idiot would be making so much noise this early in the morning."

I cross my arms in front of my chest and his eyes snap there. His gaze travels down my body and back up again, from my running tank top to my black yoga pants. Great, now I want to punch him in his throat AND gouge his eyes out.

I uncross my arms, "My eyes are up here you pig."

"If being a pig gives me an excuse to check you out then oink-oink, you can call me porky."

I pull back in shock as he smirks looking smug due to his comeback, then I double over in laughter. I laugh so hard I feel like I'm about to pass out. Then standing up I punch him in his chest, hard.


"Next time I catch you looking at me like a piece of meat I'll poke you in your eyes."

He rubs his chest as I turn to find an amused Maddox and Henry -their dad- watching the whole spectacle.

I smile brightly as I begin to jog past them, "Hey guys, just came to give Jaxton a little neighborly welcome!"

I hear a snort from behind me as I pick up my speed to start my morning workout.

I think I handled that situation well.

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