Playing The Player (6)

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Hello my lovely book nuggets (yes book nuggets, not book worms) hope you enjoy this chapter!


"Wake her up."

"Like hell, this was your idea. You do it."


"Ok, so maybe this was not such a good idea. We should leave and devise a different plan."

"Yeah? How are we going to explain the broken window lock?"

"That one's easy, we're not. Let's go, Jax man. She's going to wake up."

"You're just afraid she's going to kill you because you stole her cake."

"I couldn't help it!"

"Shhh, she's moving. Shit. Abort mission, ABORT....THE....MISSION!"

My sleep is interrupted for the hundredth time by grating bickering male voices and at this point someone is about to pay. I open one of my eye's in time to see two very idiotic boys trying to climb out my window. This is enough to wake me up and I curse jumping out of bed. I quickly wipe the sleep from my eyes and yup, even after I do I see the cake thief scrambling to climb out the window. I grab the back of his shirt and yank with strength I didn't even know I had. He falls back into my room and onto the plush carpet, which is lucky for him.

"She's got me! I need back up!"

My eyes zero in on Jaxton using the big tree between our houses as an escape route. Asshat.

He shouts back, "Sorry, every man for himself!"

I spin around and glare at Grin, who's smiling sheepishly, cheeks red. I cross my arms, very aware now that I'm not wearing anything beneath my shirt.

"You've got exactly five seconds to explain why you're in my room or my dad- who is a lawyer- is going to hit you with so many charges that you'll be eating prison food for the rest of your adolescent life."

He rubs the back of his neck, "Because I didn't make it out the window fast enough?"

My glare turns deathly and quite frankly I'm surprised he hasn't burst into flames. 

He swallows and laughs nervously, "Well you see, we just came to wake you up-"

"Bullshit. you see typically when someone you don't know enters your home without invitation it's called breaking and entering."

He swallows again and shuts his mouth. So he doesn't want to talk? I know exactly how to change his mind. A wicked smile spreads across my face and I signal for him to stay right where he is as I open my door and head to the kitchen. I grab my weapon of choice and head back upstairs. Bastards are lucky my father leaves early and that I don't keep sharp objects in my room. However, after today I just might start. I walk into my room to find Grin trying to escape again.

"Hold it right there."

The donut dangles between my fingers. He freezes and sniffs the air. Whipping himself around, his eyes zero in on the deadly morsel in my hand and I can see him visibly swallow. I'm going to get him to explain himself one way or another. This is a more gentle approach than the one I had in mind. 

"Are you going to tell me why you were in my room?"

He shakes his head though his eyes are still trained on the item in my hand. I tsk him and bring the chocolate iced donut up to my mouth.

He gasps, "No! You wouldn't!"

Oh but I would. I go to take a bite.

He holds his hands out, "No stop! Wewereheretotakepicturesofyousowecouldshoweveryoneatschoolandgetrevenge!"

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