Playing The Player (5)

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~ Grin/Samuel above ~

Tell me what you think of him!

Sorry it took me so long to update!

warning : unedited


I stare at the wicked evilness in front of me. You have done this to me, Jax Cole, you have made me sink to this delicious level. The smell of sweet chocolate invades my nose and caresses my senses. Screw being healthy, one teeny-tiny bite couldn't possibly hurt. I go to scarf down the piece of chocolate cake I had cut for myself when there's a knock on the front door. I growl in frustration, who could be bothering me at 3 in the fucking afternoon on a Saturday? My father was at the office and wouldn't be getting home until late, surprise surprise.

I stomp towards the front door, ready to give the person on the other side a piece of my mind. Nobody interrupts my angry-cake-eating sessions, nobody.

Swinging open the door I'm greeted with a grinning boy, "Well howdy neighbor!"

What...oh my.

He's wearing a dark sweater, with dark jeans and a bow tie. Did I mention he's hot? Oh yeah, definitely a 10 on my hunk-o-meter. And he wears glasses! How freaking adorable! But back to the here and now.


He's still grinning and I eye him looking for signs that would identify him as psychotic. The shit-eating grin isn't helping.

"Well, technical neighbor. You see my best friend moved next door and I practically live with the guy."

A scowl now occupies my face. Funny, just hearing that he's associated with Mr. Manwhore Jaxton makes me want to slam the door in his face.

"My name is Samuel Haze, but people call me Grin," he says, grinning. Ah, I can see why.

Suddenly the grin falls off his face as he lifts his chin, sniffing the air like a hunting hound. Suddenly his eyes lock on something behind me and he pushes past me into MY house.

"Hey! Get the hell- oh no! Don't you dare!!"

I slam the door and rush towards Grin who holds the plate containing the last piece of MY chocolate cake. He looks between me and the piece of cake, I narrow my eyes. His tongue snakes out to lick the frosting as I lunge, I snatch the plate out of his hand with a glare and he...whimpers?

"Mine," I growl and I admit, I might have bared my teeth at him.

He pouts, "You're not a very good neighbor, I'm a growing boy, I need to eat."

"Then feel free to go home and eat. If you even THINK about touching my chocolate cake, I will make sure you never have working fingers again."

He puts his hands up in surrender but eyes my cake as I set it on the table again.

"Why are you here?"

His eyes snap to mine and that grin makes a reappearance, "Well I came to meet my future fuck buddy but found my dream girl instead."

Fuckboy alert! Where is the fuckboy repellent when you need it?

"Smooth. Now get out."

He continues to grin, "Hard to get, I like it. I should let you know that I'm pretty persistent. Lucky for you I'm easy too." 

Oh. My. God. I burst out laughing, like tears-are-falling laughter at the absurdity of this guy. I can't seem to stop, I think I'm turning purple from lack of oxygen. I think I may be hysterical. 

Finally, after several minutes of wheezing from uncontrollable laughter, I regain my composure. Grin stares at me with an amused expression.

"Wow, for a while there I thought you were going smurf on me."

Ah and the scowl returns, "Did you just call me a smurf?"

He chuckles, "No, just pointing out that lack of oxygen turns your face blue."

If this chocolate cake wasn't so magically delicious, I would shove it in his face.

"Hey! That could be your nickname! Blue!"

Hell. No.

If it was possible my scowl deepened.

I point at the door, "Out. Now."



He pouts and I turn to go grab a fork for my cake.

I hear shuffling coming from behind me, "You better not still be here when I turn back around," I growl. I want to eat my cake already, darn it.

I hear the front door open as I turn around, Grin is already halfway out the door.

"Bye, blue!"

I practically snarl and he quickly retreats, shutting the door as he goes.

Finally! Cake time.

I look at the counter where my cake was and then my eyes snap to the door. I don't know whether to laugh, cry, or hunt him down. Because Grin, cute, adorable, chokeable Grin....

Well, the shit stole my chocolate cake.


I make sure to be upstairs and in my room before my father gets home. I'd rather avoid the uncomfortable display of attempted parenting. However, it seems to be a moot point as when I do finally hear the tell-tell noise of his arrival he doesn't even try to check in on me. The clank of his whiskey decanter and the click of his study door shutting is enough to make me sigh. I turn my attention to getting changed into my favorite sleepwear, cursing every sharp movement. I may have pushed myself during morning workouts a bit more with my dad and now the fact that the Cole brothers occupy the house next door. It all has had me more wound up than usual, if that was even possible. I fall face first into bed and reach over to tiredly switch off the lamp sitting on my nightstand before I drift into sleep. 

I'm jolted from sleep by, music?

I glance at my phone sitting next to me and the screen happily tells me that it's past 3am. 

What. The. Hell? Where is it coming from? 

 It's hard to concentrate in my groggy state and I blink rapidly trying to wake myself up further. At first I thought the music was coming from the idiot's room next door, but soon realized it was coming from MY room. More specifically, my closet. I drag myself out of bed and head towards the closet, the only light coming from the moon peaking through the curtains. As soon as I reach the closet the music stops.

Huh? I yank the closet door open and everything is as I had left it. The confusion sets in and I begin to question if I had imagined it. Closing the door and tip-toe over to my bedroom door and peak my head out, but all is silent. The house is dark, I can't even see light coming from my dad's study. Shutting the door, I turn back towards the closet and inch closer. Slasher scenes start playing through my mind causing my steps to waver, then stop. 

"Chicken." I mutter under my breath before I decide that I'm perfectly ok with that and begin to back away from the closet door. I may be a chicken shit, but at least I won't die first in this horror flick. 

The back of my legs hit the edge of the bed and I pause, staring at the closet door a few seconds more before deciding that I'm being overly paranoid and just need to go back to sleep. The moment my back is to the closet the music turns back on, causing me to jump and nearly piss my pants. I rush to the closet door and yank it open, only to have the music stop before I could locate where it's coming from once again. I back out and shut the door pressing my ear to it, waiting for any kind of sound. Of course nothing happens. I back away, staring intensely at the door. This time I dive into bed, never taking my eyes away from the closet. I'm not sure how long I lay like that before allowing myself to drift into a half sleep state. 

The mysterious music blares again and I mentally curse it's horrible timing as I toss the covers away to investigate once again. 

It's going to be a long freaking night.

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