the exchanging of numbers

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the exchanging of numbers

It isn't until Daichi gets home... Until he has put all of his groceries away that he notices it... Something written is simple yet beautiful handwriting at the bottom of his receipt.

Feel free to text more or call me if you want to talk about the Hunger Games Trilogy more~


Seeing as though he has nothing better to do... Daichi decides to text Suga... He decides to text the cute cashier who, like him, likes the Hunger Games Trilogy.

DAICHI: Hi, I'm Sawamura Daichi... We got talking about the Hunger Games Trilogy earlier...

SUGA: You've got a nice name ( ' ▽ ' )ノ I'm Sugawara Koshi. Anyways... I never explained to you why I like the ending! I like it because I felt like it gave the reader something to feel confident and happy about.... Somehow, in the end, Katniss was able to find happiness. Few characters were able to find happiness...

DAICHI: I suppose you make a good point... I can't believe she picked him. I though she was going to pick the other guy! I just feel like her and the other guy had more in common... I guess I can't really judge... Peeta is pretty cute (not so much in the movie but in the book... The way I pictured him is GREAT).

Daichi sends the text without thinking... What if homosexuality makes Suga uncomfortable? What if Suga is homophobic? By calling Peeta "pretty cute" he practically admitted to being gay. Please let Suga be a nice, open-minded person...

SUGA: The other guy? You mean Gale? Peeta is cute, I guess... I like Gale better... He's got the whole "tall, dark, and handsome" thing going for him...

Daichi can't help but emit a sigh of relief... Suga isn't homophobic. In fact, Suga is also gay! Or possibly bisexual or pansexual...

DAICHI: True, but Peeta was really nice... He had the whole "cute and caring" thing going for him. ( ᐛ )و

SUGA: You make a good point... In fact, you've made quite a few good points... I've got to go, my break is over... But we could talk more later or tomorrow... Or go on a date sometime? I'm sorry if I'm being too forward... Enjoy the rest of your day! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

DAICHI: A date would be nice ( ^∇^) Are you free, tomorrow at...

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