Chapter 5: One Month In..

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It was a month into school, and mum had put the house up for sale. She had already found a dream house here already! But it was so nice, she sent me and aunt Ronnie to see it. It was right next street to aunt Ronnies...

It was a amazing house, it had a swimming pool, 5 bedrooms..all un-suites, a massive yard, double staircase, huge kitchen. It was like a dream home..and mum was in the middle of buying it.

Don't get me wrong! I love it.

I just wish my dad was here to share the enjoyment..

*New Message*


The deal went through sweetie. We own the house. I'm just getting on a flight to sign the papers.

"We're moving, the sale went through" I said to Luke

"Don't sound to enthusiastic" he said to me

"I am, I just feel like..England is home you know. it's where my dad is" I said to him

"You know I'm going to take care of him ivory! This is what he would have wanted" luke tried reassuring me

*New Message*


I took our house off the market, I think it's best if we keep it and just rent it out. Love you. See you later baby! We can move in as soon as I sign the papers! so exited! GET PACKING BABY!

"Moving in?" I said in shock "already"

Me and Rachel had become really close, and Rachel knew that Jessie was flirting harmlessly!

It was nothing to worry about for her, but I really like him, all the flirting he does means nothing to him. But it means everything to me.

Luke had been getting close to this girl, Olivia..she's a great girl.

Today was Friday and we were walking home from school, there was suppose to be a party on at Jessica little's house.

I bet Jessie was going, I couldn't be bothered to go. I had to pack. My mum was moving in tomorrow, and I was moving in with her.

This year is a whole lot different than I planned..

"Want to come help me pack rach?" I asked her

"So the move is going ahead then?" she said exited

"Yeah" I said trying to sound enthusiastic.

"You can try out for the cheer squad with me ivory! You have no excuse now!" Rachel screamed

"I can't dance" I tried

"I know you can, I've saw you" she said

"That was at a party!" I tried again

"You can dance ivory! You have to try out" she pleaded

"You're exhausting" I told her

She just laughed..

We walked back to my room..soon to be the spare room again of my aunties...

I see that Luke had already packed and my stuff was still all over the place.

I left out a outfit and shoes for Tomorrow, and left my pj's out aswel..

I packed everything in the room in about 2hours..

It would have been shorter if me and Rachel didn't keep talking and joking around.

It was now around 8pm and Rachel had to go home..

We had been planning things, and setting dates for and Rachel were hoping to go on a On a road trip this summer...

I helped my auntie Ronnie with dinner was our Last night in her house so she decided to try her lasagne that her husband taught her.

About and hour and a Half later we had finished dinner and was watching TV in the living room, we had put on a DVD to watch when there was a knock on the door..

"I'll get it" I offered as I got up and walked to the door.

I opened the door to see a delivery man outside.

"Delivery for Miss Ivory Pennington" they said..

"That's me" I said in shock.

I closed the door on him and looked at the flowers in my hands...

"Pretty" I said

I looked at the card that came with it and opened it

'Your Smile - J'

J? Who's J?

I took the flowers into the living room..

"Who are they for?" Luke asked

"Me" I said

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