Chapter 6: Moving In Day

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I woke up this morning to my mums voice downstairs, she said se had already signed and the house was ours. The money had been transferred and they're moving our boxes over here today. They said it would arrive at about lunch time.

I got up, went to the bathroom, showered and got changed.

I put on my plimsoles and and ran downstairs...

I saw my mum and attacked her with a hug..

"Ive missed you so much mum" I said to her

"Are you exited baby! We're moving into the house today" she asked

I've been trying to avoid this question since she started on about this...

"Yes mum" I said trying to make her believe me.


We got all the stuff into my aunts car and set off around the corner, no way was I dragging all my bags around there.

I texted Rachel and told her to bring Jessie to help me unpack.

We arrived at the house and mum made us all stand there and admire the house.

It was a big White House, with glass windows and a big double black door...

The grass was green with a double garage and a path in the middle.

We walked up to the door,

Mum unlocked it and pushed them both, showing a huge hallway with a double staircase going to the second floor...

To our left was a open kitchen dinning room, purple and white..

My favourite!

And to the right of the staircase was the huge living room.

We walked in to see the walls all white, following around there was a staircase going down to the basement, which mum had said she was going to make a 'chilling out room' for me to have my friends around..

Back at the staircase which was white I may add..we went up the stairs to the room right at the top of the stairs which was going to be mine, when you walked in, there was a little room for bags and shoes when you come in, and a door to my bedroom. In front of you.. You walk in and see a big open room, which mum said I could paint purple.

I see you can guess my favourite colour..

There was a mirror wall, which was actually a door that you open to my walk in closet!

I'm so lucky right now!

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