A Week Later

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Hey guys! I know this story has been delayed for a very long time and for that I'm truly sorry!! But here is the next chapter!! ✌🏻😁

Lucy's POV:
I woke up with a pounding headache and I wasn't sure where I was. But I could feel a pressure on my stomach, when I raised my head I saw nothing but pink hair and a snoring face. "Natsu..." I said quietly. I put my hand on his hair and rubbed it softly, he let out a few cute coos as I did so, and he smiled in his sleep as he snuggled me.

"He's been here ever since we brought you back." Erza said as she walked in. "You've got some pretty bad bruises and a cut on your leg. The cut isn't too deep but it still needed stitches. You've been out for a week. Apparently, even though Wendy used it, healing magic wouldn't work on your body."

"It's the magic that guy used. I don't know what it was but he used two different kinds. Mind magic and something else. I couldn't get the name but when I was under his mind magic I could tell what was going on in his head." I rose up a bit, Natsu's head falling into my lap, but he didn't wake up.

"He really missed you. He even said that he loved you." She said with a saddened face. "Why did you do it? Leave and then....kiss Totomaru?"

I sighed. I needed to explain myself. "Well you see I could tell Natsu wasn't himself and so could the master. I mean anyone could have. But I was really going to leave until master told me someone was controlling him. He had to break it. Me leaving would force him to overcome that spell he was under. And only me, Mira, Master, Totomaru, and Phantom's master knew about this. Totomaru was only acting. We even had to act in front of his guild mates. Master thought it was the best idea to get Natsu to wake up and realize he was being controlled. The only one who can actually tell who it is though is him." I looked down at the sleeping face of Natsu and laid my hand on it. "I really do love him ya know..."

"I know Lucy. So you should tell him." She said as she walked out of the room. I rubbed Natsu's hair. He made one final coo before his eyes fluttered open.

"Hey...Lucy.." He said, raising up and rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Good morning Natsu." I said with a smile.

"Lucy can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure Natsu. What is it?"

He sighed and looked dead into my eyes. "Why did you kiss him? Why did you kiss Totomaru?" He said, pleading for an answer.

"Natsu....we didn't really kiss. I made it look like it because I didn't know if you were still being controlled or not. I knew you wanted to take me home but something inside told me it wasn't time yet."

His face glowed a bright red. "O-oh ok." He said. "Well how do you feel?"

"Better. My head is kind of pounding and my shoulders hurt, but that's pretty much it."

"Well scoot down on the bed a little bit." He told me.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Just trust me." He smiled and I could feel my face get red. I did as he said and he got up and got behind me. He started to massage my shoulders.

"N-Natsu....you don't have to do this." I told.

"I know. But I want to. And you're not gonna stop me." He laughed a bit.

"Oh yeah? Don't forget I beat you and Gray." I laughed a bit more than he did.

"Yeah I still don't get that. Erza said you were full of anger and that why you beat us. But if that was just your mission then why were you so angry?" He asked.

I turned to him and looked directly in his eyes. "Natsu I like you a lot, and you were acting totally different after Melain got here. So I was angry. I was very angry."

His eyes widened and then he closed them and smiled. "Lucy, I like you a lot too." He said before he leaned in and kissed me. We stayed like that for what felt like an eternity, but I'm not complaining. He laid back and I laid on him, laying my head on his chest...soon falling into the darkness.

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