To be Gay or not to be Gay!?

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Nalani's POV


"Na-la-knee." I gritted out. The teacher nodded, waving me to my desk.

It was just secound hour, and the office just let me go. I sat next to a girl with brown hair and green eyes. She smiled at me, and I grinned back, flicking my hair out of my eyes. The teacher cleared his throat,

"I believe alll of you are caught up in your work. You may have a free hour." Talking burst all around me and the girl turned in her seat.

"I'm Ally." she said. I met her eyes briefly. "Nalani."

"Cool name."

We talked for a few minutes before I felt a hand on my shoudler. I glanced up and emidiately the girls apperence screamed PREP! FAKE!

"Hey I'm Savannah. Would you like to come sit with us?" She motioned to a group of people behind her.


She blinked, "Um..Why not?" I closed my eyes briefly, then opened them, "Because I'm enjoying talking to ALLY." she sniffed

"But she's gay." she said as if she wasn't right there. I growled clinching my fists,

"So am I." she made a disgusted face, then strode off.

"You didn't have to say that. You just ruined your repitation before it began." Ally said spftly. I turned to her and smiled, "Even if it's true?" her eyes widen, "Really?" I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, really." she laughed, "Wow you wouldn't have guessed." I shrugged


"Nalani! Over here!" I looked up from paying my lunch to see All and her friends, Tammy, John, and Jace who all I'd met third hour. I walked over and almost stopped. A guy was sitting next to Tammy and he was HOTT! He had a longish ponytail, with a dark brwn color with red highlights. I sat next to Ally, glancing at him again. He had the same colored eyes as Tammy and hers were a hazel color, more green than brown.

"Hey, Nalani! This is my brother, Anxiety. Anxiety this is Nalani." I nodded in his direction, offering a slight smile. He returned it briefly.

"Nice to meet you." He said politely

"You too." I turned to John.;

"I have next hour with you right? What are we doing?"

"We're having a debate with a group of 2-3 people. We're starting today." Anxiety spoke up. I turned to him, "A debate about what?"

"Whether we believe in heaven and hell exist or not." I choked on a laugh.

"Really? What are you doing?"

"It doesn't of course." I ducked my head so my hair hid my smirk.

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