But I don't WANT a makeover!

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"So this is your place?" I nodded distractedly. Amelia, Saedmen, Ashlynn Rose, Ally, and Jester came with me to my condo on sunday, so we could avoid Lucifer.

"You mention you'd made new friends. What-"

"I already called them, Ashlynn Rose. we're going to the mall, ok? They can't teleport wherever they want. Amelia, you and Saedmen are coming, right?" Amelia grimaced.

" I-I don't really have any money to spare, Nalani." I rolled my eues.

" I do. Do you need anything." she nodded, setting Saedmen on the ground, and he teetered into the living room, where his bed with bars on either side was already set up.

" I need..... alot of personal things for the both of us." I pulled a credit card out.

 " here. Use this. My corvette ad mustang should be downstairs, take one. I'll take Saedmen with us."

" oh, you don't-"

" No, I want to. go on." she kissed my cheek quickly, then picked up the corvettes keys and left.

"Saedmen! Commere!" i called. he ran in, grinning.

" look it!" I laughed when i realized he'd put on my aviators.

" Very cool little man. come on, hop on." he scrambled ont my shoulders as the doorbell rang.

" got it." Jester called. He opened the door as i rounded the corner, balancing a laughing Saedmen on my shoulders.

"Hey! you must be Tammy, and Anxiety! i'm Jester, Ashlynn Rose's boyfriend. common in. Nay Nay! your- oh!" he spun to face me. i rolled my eyes.

" I have eyes, big mouth. common in. this is my nephew, Saedmen. say hey little man."

" Hi hi hi!" he siad brightly, waving. no one was a stranger to him. Tammy squealed.

" OH! he's so cute! come here!" she held out her arms, and he looked at me.

" go ahead, little man." he slid off my shoulders so tammy could hold him. i turned to anxiety, smiling slightly though i doubt he saw it.

" sorry about big mouth. he's eccentric when he's excited." Anxiety nodded, smiling back.

" Saedmens your brothers kid?"

" Yeah. him and his mom are staying with me until further notice." he nodded.

" Amy! Ashlynn Rose!" I called. they appeared from the living room.

" Yes?" Amy said flatly. i'd intrupted somehting. I narrowed my eyes.

" what where you doing?" she grinned suddenly.

" Picking out your outfit, Nalani! we Know yo love swithcing your look from prep to bad ass, to everything inbetween, but we've never seen you goth." i groaned.

" Nuh uh. no way. don't-" Jester shoved me towards them, and they dragged me off.

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