How burns died and a few other no-nos Anxiety isn't supposed to know

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“Hey! Scare!” Nalani went very still across from me as his head tilted towards the name. I went to look, too, but he squeezed my hand that he was holding before I could turn.

“M. hey.” Nalani said tightly. I shot him a nervous look.

“Hey. Whose the new dude?” someone asked from behind me a moment before a guy with blonde hair and grayish colored eyes walked into view.

“Anxiety, this is M. M, this is Anxiety, my Boyfriend.” A thrill went through me as he said that, just like every other time he had said it.

“How…Lovely.” M said finally. I couldn’t stand it anymore.

 “What does M stand for?” he gave me a funny look.

 “Murder.” I blinked, surprised, then said in an equally surprised voice

“that’s your name!?” he gave Nalani a look.

 “He’s not very bright, is he?” The returning Snarl he got was the scariest thing I had ever heard. Murders face suddenly went red.

“HE isn’t one of us is he!?” he exploded. Nalani glowered at him as the resturant went deadly silent. Nalani took a deep breath, and, to my surprise, slid his hand away from me.

”I don’t see how it’s any of your Damn business.” He said frostily.

“It’s everyone’s damn business! Especially since you brought him here! What in the blazes where you thinking scare!?”

“Please leave my fathers diner.” Nalani said slowly. Murders face got dangerously close to Nalnais’.

“Oh, sure, play the daddy boys card. Since you’re the only one he has left, I guess you have the right.” Nalani stood slowly, and I saw panic flicker in Murders eyes a moment. Then I blinked. Last time I checked, Murder had been taller than Nalani. Now he wasn’t.

“What are you implying?” Nalanis voice was toneless, unemotional. Murder took a step back, Panic flickering across his face again before he continued in a sneering voice, glaring.

“ Nothing that shouldn’t have been said before! Damn, Nalani! Everyone believes it. Being satans son you’d have no problem doing it! you of all people wouldn’t feel a drop of remorse for killing your own damn brother!” before I had time to react, Nalani had Murder pinned to our table, his shirt clinched in his fists. I gasped.

His eyes where red.

“My brother was killed in a car accident.”

“For humans, yes. But whats the demon way? You never told anyone.” I felt my jaw go slack. He was talking nonsense. I glanced around to see if anyone was as surprised as I was, but they only seemed interested. Nalani took a long, deep breath, then leaned away from Murder to roll his shirt up, showing the deep furrows in his chest I’d questioned before. His answer had been ‘dog’. It looked like it. There was four, long, deep, healed scars.

“My brother was killed by a fucking fallen angel, ok? It didn’t think that it was right for a demon to fall in love with a human.” Surprised gasps went up, and I gaped at Nalani. Now he was talking nonsense!? I glanced around again, sure someone would be giving him strange looks, but he only got sympathetic ones instead. I took in his red eyes again, and his concederable growth spurt, then stood shakily. Nalanis eyes snapped to me, and I watched them bleed into that brown again, and then the blue and green specks became visable.

“Anxiety, I-“

“I-I think I need to go.” Stammered. He groaned, letting his shirt fall from him still exsposing his chest. I turned and rushed out the door. I heard Nalani’s exclaimed

“fuck!” before the door slammed close. I started sprinting down the street blindly. Seconds later- too fast for him to have even gotten out the door- he spun me to face him, using my foreward momentum to spin me in a circle.

 “Let. Me-“ I started, struggling against him uselessly.

“Listen, Listen! Anxiety! If you walk-even run- around alone, people around here will kill you.” He shook my shoulders in emphases. I stopped pushing on his chest.

“What’s going on, Nalani!” I hissed. He sighed.

 “walk with me? I promise to keep my distance. “ I shook my head vigourusly.

“Let me go, Nalani!” he hesitated a moment before sighing.

“Fine.” His grip on my shoulders loosened, and I took off, frantic to get anywhere that was away from him.

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