Coffee Shop Au

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Nico's Pov
I could tell that Jason and Percy meant well but who honestly wants to be stuck in a crowded Starbucks on a rainy day? Yeah, I know, they were only trying to get me out of my apartment because I guess it's a little embarrassing when the only people you know are your cousins and their girlfriends but in my defence I had just started watching Doctor Who and I was up to the part were Rose Tyler turned into the crazy, glowing person and I would rather be finding out what happens than sitting here with Jason and Percy.
"Look, Nico," Jason's voice jolted me out of my thoughts and I think he could tell I hadn't been paying attention because he looked slightly pissed off. "What me and Perc-"
"Percy and I." I corrected knowing full well that it would make him even madder.
"Whatever, anyway what Percy and I are trying to say you need to get out more and meet new people."
"I know plenty of people," I said folding my arms.
"Who?" Asked Jason while he added more sugar to his coffee, how anyone could drink coffee with that much sugar in it amazed me.
"Well, there is-"
"Not including people related to you and their girlfriend or boyfriend," Percy added
"Ok then, there is..." I paused for a moment trying to come up with the people I knew. "Um, there is Reyna, Leo, and Calypso and that weird guy that lives in the apartment next to me."
"Nico, you don't even know that guy's name." Percy laughed as he reached over to grab my drink.
"Hey! That's mine!" I shouted reaching over to grab my drink but being the clumsy person I am I ended up smacking my frappuccino across the table. "Crap."
"Nico!" Jason half shouted as he rested his elbows on the tables and started to rub his temples.
"What? Crap isn't even a bad word? Now if I had said-" Jason shot me a glare from across the table. "Ok, I'll stop. Percy, could you grab some napkins and I'll just go buy another drink." I said as I stood up.

The line was slightly long but it gave me plenty of time to decide whether I should get a caramel or a mocha frappuccino, it was a very important decision because I felt like a caramel one but if I got a mocha one then Percy wouldn't steal it again.
"Excuse me?" I looked up slightly embarrassed as I realised that everyone was waiting for me to order.
"Oh, yeah, sorry. Um, I'll have a caramel frappuccino please." I took this time to study the guy serving me and he was pretty average, about 6 foot, slightly tanned and had blonde, curly hair almost covering his eyes. Oh, who was I kidding this guy was pretty hot.
"Sir?" I felt my neck crack as I looked up. "What was your name?
"Uh, Nico"
"Ok, your coffee will only be a couple of minutes."

Time Skip Using the TARDIS

I slowly walked towards the Starbucks at the end of the street. And it's perfectly normal to be going to get coffee at 6pm and this definitely isn't my 5th time buying coffee this week and it totally wasn't Tuesday today. I'm going to be broke by the end of the week and I don't even like the coffee they sell at Starbucks. I open the door with my shoulder and shuffle into the warm room.
"Hey, Nico!" I heard the barista say and I turned to see the same guy I've awkwardly been coming to see leaning across the counter. "You know, the amount of coffee you've been drinking over the last couple of days is actually really bad for you and trust me I'm a doctor."
"You look like you're 20 there is no way you're a doctor," I said laughing to myself.
"Ok, I lied. I'm a med student, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to give you coffee, how about a hot chocolate?"
"Double negative, but sure I'll take the hot chocolate." I turned to see the barista go to make my drink and I started to hum the Twenty One Pilots song, Message Man, that I had been listening to during the walk over.
"Here you go Nico" I walk over and grab the drink of the counter and turned to leave.
"Thanks" I yelled over my shoulder as I left the quiet Starbucks. When I reached the curb I stopped to wait for the cars to pass and during this, I glanced down at my cup to see different writing than usual.

-Will Solace xx
[Phone number]

Thank you for reading it! As you can probably tell this is the first one-shot I have ever written so I hope it was okay. Life lesson: never write with wet nails as I have just spent 15 minutes trying to get black nail polish off my keyboard...
Disclaimer: All of the characters belong to the wonderful Rick Riordan.

And this is for Ferenzy3228 because he is actually the only reason I finished this.


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