Awkward First Dates

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I'm so sorry I've been away for so long, I've been super busy with school and I've been making a jacket for a cosplay (I'm cosplaying today isn't this exciting!) and a dress for a competition and Voltron is killing me and then the Supernatural season finale messed me up but I'm here now!
Before we start I just want to say thank you for 3k reads and all the votes! I also love reading all your comments and I'm so sorry I haven't been replying to them because I sometimes don't see them until they are a couple of days old or I don't know how to reply to them and I don't want to come off as being super weird (eh I already am why do I even bother).
This is kinda slightly inspired (not really) by a webcomic thingy I'm reading called Fools, you should check it out it's really cute. Anyway let's get on with the fic! *insert finger guns here*

"Percy Jackson! Get your butt down here and tell me where my phone is!" Screamed Nico from the bottom of the stairs as he slipped on his shoes. He then proceeded to unroll his sleeves just so he could roll them back up again and then run his hands through his hair for good measure. He was nervous ok? When his classmate, the beautiful yet terribly annoying Will Solace, had asked him to meet for lunch he couldn't just say no, could he?
"Jackson! You can't move to the beat and neither can your ass! Tell me where my phone is or I'll tell Jason you spent the rent money on video games!" A loud thump came from upstairs paired with a startled yelp before Percy appeared at the top of the stairs.
"We both know full well that was you," Percy paused for a moment, thinking over his plan of action for a second. "Your phone is in the top draw in the kitchen."
"Oh, so you decided to tell me today." Nico huffed as he turned the corner into the kitchen.
"I always tell you! Plus Jason told me to be extra nice today cause you're going on a date with th-"
"It's not a date!" Nico shouted as he stormed out of the flat and slammed the door. Was it a casual meet up with a classmate? Yes. Was it a date? No. Maybe. Probably.


Nico walked up towards the small cafe on Eliza street that sat between the bookshop that smelled of old people and the flower shop that was permanently closed. The cafe itself wasn't anything special, the teal paint was peeling around the windows and the door creaked when it opened, but once Nico was inside he realised that it didn't really matter. On the inside the cafe was full of life but quite enough to not be annoying, but that was until he saw the golden mop of hair moving towards him.
"Nico! You actually came!" Exclaimed an overly excited Will Solace, pulling Nico into a hug. Ok nope, the nerves are gone, I'm going to actually stab him, Nico thought while trying to awkwardly get out of the exchange.
"Uh, yeah, I came." Mumbled Nico after he had finally been let go.
"Oh, I'm so sorry! You don't do the whole touchy-feely thing, do you?"
"No I don't, but it's fine," Nico said as he took a seat and opened the menu. The food seemed average enough, it was probably better than eating ramen or Jason and Percy's horrible attempts at cooking pasta.

"So how are you finding classic lit?" Will asked. He sat there with wide eyes and his damn perfect hair and Nico hated it.
"It's ok, I guess," Nico mumbled into his menu, "what do you think about it?"
"I love it!" Will exclaimed, starting Nico, "I especially love doing the Ancient Greek texts because I really love all the mythology and stuff that surrounds it." Will talked so passionately about everything, it was amazing he didn't run out of topics to be so overly enthused about and Nico felt himself melting. Which he hated. Even more then he hated Will's perfect face. The waiter came and went with there order without Nico even realising as he was so caught up in whatever the hell Will was talking about, Nico honestly couldn't remember.

That was all until the waiter came back.

There must have been a napkin or something on the ground but the waiter slipped and spilled an entire salad, dressing and all, all over Nico. Everybody jumped into action and plenty of napkins were used to try get salad dressing out of his jeans. Nico just wanted to go home.

Finally it was all over, the bill had been paid, the food had been cleared and Nico and Will were leaving the cafe. Will stood on the edge of the curb and watched the cars go by and all Nico could do was watch him.
"Hey Nico, I know today was a disaster but would you like to do this again sometime?" Will asked as he turned to face him. Will was annoying, yes, but also beautiful with his long, golden hair and tall figure and he was also probably the most amazing person that Nico had ever met.
"Yeah, I'd like that."

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