The Pouting Corner

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Omg, I'm updating, what a surprise! I'm so sorry. It has been too long, I feel terrible. Also, this book now has 2k reads, thank you so much!
Anyway, it's time to use another prompt I found funny!

It was a quiet, sunny afternoon at Camp Half-Blood. The Apollo cabin was shooting hoops, the Aphrodite cabin was commenting on how great the Apollo cabin looked and Percy was pretending to be Ariel while Jason cheered. That was all until shouts erupted from the Hades cabin.
"I can't believe it!" Nico shouted hysterically, "How can you not grasp such a simple concept!"
"All I did was try to play the Apollo card." Will said, looking up from his hand of cards.
"I've already told you! You can't play the Apollo card yet!" Nico screamed, "It's not even a good card anyway!"
"Wow, if my father was still a god he'd smite you for that."
"You're such an idiot, Solace!" he howled as he threw is entire hand at Will's face.
Will just blinked as the cards fell down around him and Nico pouted as he folded his arms.
"Wow." was all Will said after a couple of minutes.

Nobody really knew how long they sat like that for, with Nico pouting and Will staring at him. At one point Apollo popped his head in but quickly left after the shouts of "Go away Lester Papadopoulos." and a vase missing his head by mere inches.

After what seemed like hours (but was probably thirty minutes) Will finally broke the silence.
"I can't stand this anymore." Will muttered as he stood up. He walked right around the coffee table and stopped behind Nico. Then Will bent down and lifted Nico off the ground who still had his arms and legs crossed and was still pouting. Will walked all the way to the corner of the room and dropped Nico so that he was facing the wall.
"You can sit here until you're done." Will said and he walked over to Nico bed where he picked up a comic book and sat down. "I'll be here when you're done"

What Will didn't know was that Nico could hold a grudge forever but after an hour he turned around to look at Will. Will was still lying on his bed, completely engrossed in the Batman comic he was reading and Nico decided he had had enough. Nico slowly crawled along the floor, so he would not notify Will of what he was doing. Once he reached the bed, he climbed up the side and rested on top of Will's stomach. Nico then buried his head in Will's neck and mumbled a quiet "I'm sorry."
"Mhmm." Was all that came from Will so Nico adjusted his head and started to kiss along his jaw.
"I'm sorry" Nico mumbled again, slightly louder this time.
"Shhh, Batman is about to fight Catwoman."
At that Nico sat up and glared at Will and he just smirked in response.

The Prompt:
You can pout all you want, at the end of the day I win all the arguments because I can just pick you up and place you in a corner to sulk yourself tired.

Okay, so I got tagged by IIship_it24 and I know I did one of these last chapter but this time it's actually going along with a chapter.

Do I like someone? Yes, I do and they're super cute okay.
Do they like me? I don't know, I don't even know if she's into girls but I don't really want to do anything about it 'cause we're friends and I don't want to do anything to ruin that. Okay, enough about my tragic love story.
Middle name? It's Alexandra. I kinda want to marry someone with the last name Hamilton...
Single or Taken? I've already told you about my tragic love story, I'm obviously single.
Last person I texted? Em
Last song I listened to? I'm currently listening to Victorious by Panic! At The Disco.
Battery Percent? 65%
Best Friend? Em and Koala
OTP? Destiel, it's beautiful okay.
Why I made this account? To read Solangelo fanfiction, of course.
Birthday? Do I have to?

I don't really feel like tagging anyone. So if you actually read this and want to do it, CONGRATULATIONS you got tagged by me!!!!!!!


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