Me and my diary chapter 4

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So well hey diary again he literally well first I felt like he is the  one like literally  I feel like that okay first Zoe calm down
So here's the thing I came here to the park to see my sweet little Brandon
It was not fair
The moment I was waiting and waiting I was caught by the police he thought I was a drug dealer
Yeah I know right😒😒
I was caught and kept at jail and my mom called me and she screamed one she reached at the police station yup yay life
I explained her everything and then she busted me out and now when I went to school everyone one is just freaking staring at me 😒😒
Yeah I know
I just hope even though this all happened I hope Brandon doesn't know about all about this
Well let's hope for the best
K bye diary see ya
Your lovingly

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2016 ⏰

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