14. The Summer Fair.

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The carriage softly stops and I can hear the sound of laughter, I open my eyes and stretch my arms out my bones cracking at the movement. Oliver is still sleeping soundly so I quickly change into the blue dress and peak my head out of the cart. The sun is shining brightly in a cloudless blue sky and birds are flying high in the soft breeze; bright streamers are hanging from the buildings and blossoms flow from the soft pink blossom trees. Children are running happily around waving bright flags and coloured ribbons and adults are happily walking watching the children with joy in their eyes. "Hello there miss." the man who owns the cart says startling me as he walks around to the back.

"H ... hello." I say placing a hand on my racing heart, "What's going on here?"

"You don't know miss?" he asks and I shake my head, "This is the summer fair. Gladstort holds a giant fair which last a week for every season change to celebrate their god. It truly is a wonderful event."

"Oh ... I'll check it out. Give me a second and I'll wake Oliver for you." I smile before crawling back into the middle of the cart and I begin to shake Oliver; it takes him quite a while to wake up but he quickly changes and we pick up our stuff before leaving the cart. The man said he would meet us at the other end of Gladstort at midnight. We make our way through the crowd of colourful and happy people to a small tavern and to the bathrooms so we could wash our faces and brush our teeth before we met back up again. The streets were filled with small stalls selling delicious food, jewellery and other random pieces to celebrate. We both run from stall to stall looking with awe in our eyes at all the wonders the stall holds. "Do you want anything?" Oliver asks as I stop at a small stall that's selling jewellery. I let my eyes wander over everything before they finally land on a beautiful silver bracelet and surrounding it a ton of small silver charms. "How much is the charm bracelet?" Oliver asks and the woman smiles.

"Two silver without any charms and each charm is 15 copper." she smiles and he nods.

"Pick some charms then." Oliver nodes and I smile at him kindly. I look at the charms carefully and I begin to pick some out; a silver dragon, a silver wishbone, a silver feather, a silver hourglass, a silver queen chess piece and a silver king chess piece, a silver scythe, a silver crescent moon, a silver flower, a silver tooth, a silver button, a silver eye inside a triangle, a silver skull and a small blue jewel that sparkles in the light. I cringe as Oliver hands over the money but I cant help but smile as he places the charm bracelet on my wrist. "Thank you." I smile happily hugging him tightly and he hugs me back laughing, "You have to let me pay for everything else."

"No, that's not how a proper gentleman treats a lady." he smiles making me loop my arm in his.

"Gentleman? You?" I laugh, "Weren't you the boy who used to run around naked; laugh any time you farted; used to bring me to see dead things and other random stuff like that. Oliver you are many things but you aren't a gentleman." 

"I was like six." he blushes, his face going redder than a tomato, which makes me laugh harder.

"It's still funny to this day though." I gasp through my fit of laughter.

"Well at least I didn't tell an old man he was going to die soon and run around with my underwear on my head." he retorts which makes me blush remembering those cringe worthy moments.

"I was like five!" I defend myself and we glare at each other for a moment before we are both laughing making people stare at us. We finally compose ourselves and walk through the streets trying not to burst out laughing again and we can hear music playing. In the middle of a court yard there is a band playing and people are dancing happily waving streamers and clapping along with the happy music. Oliver grabs my hand and pulls me into the dance and I laugh as we both fumble around trying to copy the moves of the dancers. We clap as we dance around each other and we swing each other around laughing happily; people laugh watching Oliver mess up because he's not really fond of dancing. I used to do ballet when I was younger but I had to stop because I was never in for every single lesson. I help Oliver as we dance around along with the other people who are enjoying the day as much as me and Oliver. Oliver grins as he makes some mistakes but it doesn't stop him and the sun reflects in his beautiful grey eyes; I smile back too as I make him spin under my arm and afterwards he does a little curtsey making me laugh so hard I begin to cry tears of joy. It's perfectly funny and funnily perfect all at the same time.

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