26. Are we ever like that?

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I wake up to Oliver gently prodding my cheek with his finger, "Knock it off." I grumble sleepily.

"We need to get ready. We have training and we still have to figure out what's going on with the prophecy, remember? I promised I would help you." Oliver says still prodding my cheeks softly and I take a deep breath before stretching my arms and legs out before I stand up.

"How are we going to find anything out? Yesterday we trained all day." I say and he bites his lip thinking. I tap my foot against the cold wooden floor waiting his response as fear pushes down my hope of getting answers. What if they weren't the ones I wanted? That's always the downside to getting the answer your mind so desperately craves, getting the ones it doesn't want to hear. "At dinner time we'll ask around and see if there's anyone who knows someone who can help us." he beams and I nod slowly, "Well go and get ready then." I quickly walk into the bathroom to get washed and dressed taking as much time as possible. I stare at my reflection giving myself a once over, my green eyes are full of uncertain worry; my golden hair has grown a little; my normal pale skin holds a healthy glow and most of the cuts I had from fighting the dragon which brought us to The Capital have healed. I walk out and Oliver is trying to balance his sword on his finger unsuccessfully, "What are you doing?" I ask with a sigh as I watch the sword fall to the floor with a heavy thud which makes me cringe knowing the people below us definitely heard the noise and it's still early. "What does it look like? You were taking forever and I got bored." Oliver replies and I sigh.

"Well I'm ready now, lets go." I sigh as I walk out of the door waiting for Oliver.

"Hold on a minute! I've not put my shoes on!" he shouts and I sigh holding back a giggle. Oliver is such a child. He walks out of the door a few minutes later nodding as if to make sure he's got everything. "Are you ready?" I ask and he nods with confidence, "Are you sure?" I ask again and the nod isn't as confident.

"We're are going to be late if we don't hurry so I have to be ready." he nods but I can see the gears in his mind working in over drive trying to remember if he is ready as he slowly pulls the door closed and locks it. We slowly run downstairs and out of the door towards the castle where there is a decided meeting point for a carriage. When we finally make it to the carriage my lungs are burning slightly and I take in some deep breaths to help calm myself. I sit next to Oliver and across from us are two male knights. They both have dark brown hair but one is styled neatly as the other one has messy hair; they have soft blue eyes and pale skin. The only physical difference between the two boys is the neat boy, who is sat in front of Oliver, has two freckles under his right eye. "Are you two twins?" I ask and they nod.

"I'm Nathan and this is my brother Kyle." the brother in front of me replies.

"I bet you cant guess which one of us is older." Kyle smiles and I can see Nathan scowling.

"Are you the older one?" I ask Kyle and he shakes his head laughing as Nathan groans.

"I'm the older one! Why does no one ever pick me?" he asks, practically crying.

"It's just because you looked unhappy when Kyle bet I couldn't guess which one was older." I say and he looks at me wide eyed smiling the largest smile anyone has ever seen.

"Really?! That was the only reason?!" he smiles and I nod, "Yes! See someone can tell I'm the older one."

"Maybe if you tidied yourself up and made yourself presentable people would have an easier time guessing." Kyle bickers and I laugh.

"I thought Kyle was the older one." Oliver mumbles and Nathan glares at him.

"I am older by one minute and twenty three seconds!" he cries and all the way up to the castle the two twins bicker why Oliver and I laugh at them.

"Are we ever like that?" Oliver asks quietly as we step out of the carriage and we stare at the two boys remembering our arguments.

"No, never." I mumble and he nods. We make our way to the training grounds and we can see a pile of wooden spears. I pick one up and sigh, I'm never really good with things that require lots of force that's why my scythe is my perfect weapon. With a scythe quick movements are required and not too much force is required to make a good attack. Spears need a lot of force and I don't have that much. In the distance I can see scarecrows standing in a line and I already understand what we have to do, we need to thrown the spear and hit the scarecrows in the distance in the chest or stomach. I inwardly groan as the cock strikes nine praying that time will quicken so I can go and find answers. Even if they're not the one I want, I need them.

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