First day......just a part

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"Bye mom....." I say. My mom says bye sister Karman walks me in side.....I look around......." WOW " I say......" This amazing....."

" yeah....I know.......welcome to high school Ari......tsk....." Karman says walking away " pretend we don't know each other....okay? " "" I say.......I walk to the sign in line......

" Well...........what is your name" a girls at the sign in table says.......I answer " I-I'm a-a-a-aria......" I say looking like a scardy cat........" Nervous one aren't Ya.......?" She says..." You will be fine....I'm teony......if you need help come to me..."
      "O-okay" I say.....then the bell rings......." Um- bye....uh...."

      " I'm gonna be late....ugh" I say running to class......I bump into someone......" okay...." Someone said......a boy.....I'm on the ground....." Need help up lady...." He said......" can g-get u-up my self" i say....I get up half way and fall again...." Ouch...." I say....the guy leans down and puts his hand out " come on.....I'll help...." He says........I grab is hand.......I get up with his help.... " thanks...I have to get to" I run to class...

     I get to class as the second bell rings " I'm not late....." I say....the teacher looks at me " you are lucky....heh" he says........." Sit down in that set " I sit next to a girl who has her phone looking at it while drawing. ( the picture above )

     " h-hi......" The girl says....." are you drawing" I say to her.....she answers back " well it's a character named Erza in a anime I like.....fairy tai-" she says but stops because....." O M G....I LOVE FAIRY TAIL!!!" I say with excitement...... " hah hah.....sorry.....I'm a weibo.....a big one" " am I " the girl says " I'm is a free day I you wanna draw with me..." " DO I.....yes i do" I say

" hello I will let you do what you want......nothing wild....okay I'm going to get ready for my seniors next class....they get wild....." The teacher says " I'm Mr. Collins.....I'm your home room stuff or what ever you kids do these days"

" do you fun" Laura asks. " well....I draw and sing..........I'm not good at any of those things....heh" I answer back

45 minutes later.......after class

I say bye to Laura and start to head to my next class.........and guess what.....I bump into the same guy..............

     " well........I guess it's a lucky day.......I get to bump in to a pretty girl...2 times....." The guy says.........I look at him........." H-hi" i stuttered.....

      " no need to be nervous.........I'm Aaron........don't you have to get to class.........." The guy says......I walk around him........" Yeah......I-I do............I just.......don't know where it is......heh" I say.......then.....he grabs my list of classes " so your next class is art......okay.......follow me" he says and grabs my hand........he walks my to class and I just follow.........I blush........a lot.........

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