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I walked to school and Bre sitting on my shoulder then I saw him. Jacob Anthony Perez I have had the biggest crush on him. 

"Why you getting sweaty" Bre asked 

"I see my crush Jacob" I said 

"He's your crush" 


He walked over to me.  

"Hey Chres" he said 

"H-hi" I said 

"Yo boy you see me" Bre said loudly 

I turned and look at her. 

"So umm what you doing later today" Jacob asked 

"Nothing why" I said 

"You wanna go to the movies" 

"S-S-Sure" I said 

"See you after school" He walked away 

"Why was you yelling" 

"No reason" She smiled innocently 

"You are weird" 

"But i'm your weird angel" 

"Yeah whatever" 

I continue walking to school. I saw my friend Breaunna.  

"That human me" Bre on my shoulder said 

"What" I said 

"Every human being has a angel in heaven and hell" Bre said 

"Oh" I said 

"Chres who you talking to" Breaunna asked 

"She can't see me only you" Bre said 

"No one" I said 

"So how you doing" Breaunna asked 

"Jacob asked me to the movie" I said happily 

"Ooh my gosh what you gonna wear" 

"I don't know" 

"I'm waiting for Craig to ask me out but that never gonna happen" 

"That you'r perfect match" Bre said 

"Well see you in chemistry" She walked away 

"What you mean perfect match" I asked Bre 

"Well my partner in heaven is Craig and what ever happens to us in heaven will definitely happen in real life" 

"So y'all are normal human being but just have wings" 

"Yup we even do something" I looked at her and she was blushing 

"Ooo you two be getting nasty" I said 

"I never said that" 

"But your action prove it" 

"Don't you have to go to class" 

"Ooh yeah" I got my text books out my locker then went to math. 


I was at my locker then I saw Jacob coming to me. Bre feel asleep in my pencil case. 

"You ready to go" Jacob said 

"Umm yeah" I said 

He grabbed my hand and we walked to his car. I got in the passenger seat and he was driving.  

"So how was you day" Jacob asked 

"Its was good" I said 

"Chresanto get me out of here" I heard Bre say 

I opened my pencil case. She walked up my arm and say back on my shoulder 

"Tell Jacob he has a nice car" Bre said 

"You have a nice car" I said 

"Thanks this was my 17th birthday present" Jacob saris abs looked at me 

I looked at him and smiled. He smiled right back 

"You have a cute smile" Jacob said 

I giggled 

"Nice giggle now say Thanks and compliment his uhh hair" 

"Thanks your hair is cute" 

"Thanks" He said 

"Just leave me in the car Your heart will tell you what to do" Bre said 

I pretend to get something from the floor and she hopped on the car.  


We got to the movies.  

"Just leave me in the car" Craig said 

Chresanto got out the car. I place Craig on the car.  

"Your heat will tell you what to do" Craig yelled.  

I got out and went after Chresanto. I placed my hand around Chresanto. 

"So what you wanna see" I asked him 

"They got the movie The Butler I been wanting to see it" He said 

"Okay" We got to the ticket booth "To tickets to the butler" 

"That'll be 27.50" The lady said 

"Okay" I got my wallet and paid then I took the tickets 

We went and got some popcorn and drink. Then we walked to the movie theater and got a seat right in the middle.  

Chresanto was leaning to the side as he was watching the movie. I wrapped my arms around him and he leaned to my chest. Man Craig was right. This feels right.  

We walked out hand in hand back to my car.  

"You had a good time" I asked him 

"Yeah thanks" Chresanto said 

We got in the car and Craig was leaning against the Steeling wheel.  

"So how was it" Craig asked 

"Well talk about it when we get home" I said 

"What" Chresanto said 

"Nothing" I said 

"Umm okay"  

I drive Chresanto home then I went home. 

"How was it" Craig asked 

"Just great" I smiled

Angel on Your Shoulder (Royce)Where stories live. Discover now