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Theresa had never actually met Monty's parents before. Sure, he had talked about them countless times and she had seen them around on the ship, but she had never gotten the chance to actually meet them. She looked over herself in the mirror one last time, letting out a shaky breath before making her way into the living room. Theresa's father had made some rolls that were from an old family recipe, and she was meant to bring them to dinner tonight.

"I've told you, you really didn't need to make anything. We have plenty," Monty said. He sat on the couch in the living room, right next to Theresa's grandfather.

"It's the least we can do," Theresa's father replied. "Thank you so much for inviting her to dinner tonight. She hasn't been able to stop talking about it."

Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. "Dad!" she exclaimed.

Her grandfather was already smiling at her, but Monty and her father whipped their heads around to see her standing in the doorway. Monty quickly stood up from the couch as Theresa walked over to her father, taking the plate of rolls from him.

"Thanks, Dad," she said softly, the hint of a smile on her lips.

"Have a good time, you two," her father said.

Theresa walked over and pressed her lips to the top of her grandfather's head, smiling down at him. "Love you," she whispered to him.

"My sweet girl," he whispered back, pinching her cheek and caressing her face.

"Here, I'll take those," Monty said, taking the plate of rolls from her. "It was nice to see you guys again!"

"And you!" Theresa's father exclaimed. "Theresa, you should really bring him around more often. Quite the handsome guy you've got there." Then, he winked at his daughter.

Again, her cheeks flushed. "Dad, stop! You're so embarrassing sometimes." She wrapped her arms around him and quickly kissed his cheek, hooking her arm around Monty's forearm and leaving her living quarters.

When the door shut, she quickly let out a breath. She could hear Monty's soft chuckles. "That went well," he said.

"I'm so sorry about him," she replied, talking about her father. "I hope he didn't interrogate you. I tried to talk to him about that."

Monty smiled and shook his head. "I wasn't interrogated -- although, I did get a stern talking to from your grandpa. He told me that if I hurt you, I would definitely regret it...he mentioned quite a few times that he used to be a guard on the ship."

Theresa shook her head. "I'm sorry..."

Monty chuckled again. "You don't need to apologize. I thought they were great. What's up with you? Are you okay?"

Theresa sighed. "I'm just nervous. I wanna make a good first impression...I just really want your parents to like me," she replied softly.

Monty smiled at his girlfriend and pressed his lips to the side of her head as they walked side-by-side. "They will," he assured her. "Tessa, I talk about you more than I talk about Jasper. They couldn't be more excited to meet you. You have nothing to worry about, okay?"

She rested her head on Monty's shoulder for a moment then looked up at him. "Are you sure they're gonna like me?" she asked.

"I'm positive," he replied.


"They managed to find some antibiotics while they were out. These should help with your infection," Abby said.

The Girl With No Name // the 100 Wattys 2018!!Where stories live. Discover now