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so i finally get to trevor houes 

btw t= tam trevor mom

z  hello im zendaya

t   hello are u looking for trevor

z   yes how u known

t   trevor told me u was his girlfrind 

z   yes i amis he here  

t    yes honey come in he in hi room

z   so i can go in his room

t      sure go in he sleeping 

  so im walking down the hall way then i  finally see hiss room it was a mess clothes underwear ver werree 

z   trevor!!

t   what are u doing here 

z   i came to see u 

t    ook here have a seat 

 trevor them rush and moves his clothes on the chair so i can sit down 

t   are u comable 

z  yes 

t   close your eyes 

z   why 

t   i need to change  underwear 

z    okkk 

 t      dont look 

so im sitting there in the chair with my eye closed then i open them before i was supposed to trvor jumps in the bed and wraps the cover  around him btw he was naked 

t   i told u not to open yor eyes 

z   sorry

t    so  now im naked if u wanted to seeherre u go 

im so glad the door was closed bc he  jump up but naked with nothing aroung him and his dick was so big

t    got what u wanted

z   yes

t   i now u like it

z  whatevver 

t  hey come laid down with me 

zzz no your naked 

t  so 

z    trev stop 

t oook

z  and put some clothes on 

t   ok and eyes up her

z   sorry

t  lets wacthed some tv ]

 ok so then i was laying with trevor wacthing tv 

z   ummm trevor i really like u

t   i like u to 

then treovr  llook into my  eyeand kiss me on my  lips 

t   im sorry i dont know what came over me

z   no its ok i like it

zz can we go some were 

t   ok but 

then before i knew it he leande in and kiss me it was like 5 min long  

t   how u like that 

z   trev dont try to be a bad boy 

t   ok 


told u thing was going to get heatde  dont forget to vote and commmet   and sorrry for the errror i hve this nevour shkae    bye

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