What he does when hes turned on

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Adam: when Adam is turned on he will put his hand on you're arm and move his hand up and down so you get the message

Jin: when Jin is turned on he will grab you're butt and then leed you to the place baby's are made

Ross: you and Ross have a little sign to tell echother he will grab you're hand and rub his thumb over you're hand

Red: he will grab you and put you on his lab when he does this you know what he wants so you teese him and be a bitch 😏

Barney: he will grab you're hips and move his hands up and down from you're hips to you're arms

Tim: he won't make eye contact with you through out the whole day and when you get home when Ross and Max go out to lunch you to get sometime alone

Maxxy:When this sexy ass ginger is turned on he will go strait for the kill you both love to play rough and be a teese so if you're in the office or at home you're gonna get some

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