6. Can I trust you?

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A/N: So I was gonna write smut.. But Wattpad was being a butt and wouldn't let me post it to the public.. -.- So I wrote something else. Still a little smutty shit but not as smutty as what I wrote o_o.. Sorry guys Dx

Chapter 6. Liam

                       Me and Harry walked into my apartment without talking. I held the door for Harry and he smiled at me. I sat the pizza down on the table. "Where are the plates" Harry asked as he walked passed me into the small kitchen area. "I can get them" I laughed. "No. I want to" Harry pouted. I sighed and pointed to where the plates were. Harry had to stand on his tipy-toes to reach them. His shirt pulled up a bit when he reached for them so his V-Line was showing. I looked away and looked at my feet. Harry walked over to the table and sat down the plates. He grabbed a piece and sat down at the table.

                            "You can sit in the living room you know" I laughed. "Nah. At home I always sit at a table.. But if you wanna sit in the living room I can move" Harry trailed off. "No, it's fine" I smiled and sat across from Harry. Harry moved the box from in front of us so he could look at me. "So, why are you a teacher" Harry asked. "Well I actually have no clue Curly" I shrugged. "Oh.. So you don't like teaching?" "I don't like waking up early" I laughed. "Same. But if I don't wake up my mum yells at me so you know.. I don't wanna make my mum mad" Harry shrugged.

                   "Right.. So tell me about your self" I smiled at Harry. "Well I have an older sister named Gemma. She can be nice but she likes to call me weird and other shit a lot. I only hang out with Zayn and Louis because everyone in the school is scared of me or thinks i'm weird looking. I realized I was gay when I was 10.. And now I realized.. I love my teacher" Harry mumbled the last part. I bit my lip and nodded. "Now, you tell me about your self" Harry smirked. "Well uh there's not much to say actually. I moved here with my best mate Niall. But then he moved back to Ireland with his boyfriend. My parents don't really talk to me that much.. My sisters are very distant. And so yeah" I shrugged.

                            "What's your name?" Harry asked. "Mr Payne" I winked. "No.. Like your first name you dope" Harry laughed. "I can't tell you. Maybe you'll find out" I smirked. "Don't be a butt" Harry laughed. "Well I can't tell you. It would be wrong of me to let you know my first name. Or even let you call me by my first name." "Whatever. I'll find out though. Or you'll tell me. Whatever butters your toast" Harry laughed. God.. His laugh is killing me. I then noticed me and Harry haven't touched the pizza yet. I'm not actually hungry anyways. "Did you really just say whatever butters your toast" I laughed. "Yes" Harry smiled. "God, are you're weird" I laughed and got up.

                 "Where you going" Harry pouted. I walked behind Harry and kissed his neck like I did earlier. I know he's still hard.... "M-Mr Payne.." Harry wined. I took Harry's hand and led him to the shower.

                            I started the showed and me and Harry were both soon undressed. We got in the shower and Harry attacked my lips. Making our lips go in sync. I bit down on his bottom lip forcing a moan to slip from Harry's mouth. I slipped my tongue into his mouth and glided my tongue on his. Harry then stopped kissing me. I guess he needed air or some shit. He looked at me. His hazel eyes were like glowing. His hair was all over the place and some of his curls, that were wet, were caught in his earrings. I outlined his lips with my finger and smiled at him. His tattoos were so hot. I outlined some of them. Maybe one of them has a meaning.

                      "Does this one have a meaning" I pointed to the ship. Harry shook his head. "What about this one" I outlined the one that was writing, but it was in a different language. "It says Gemma" Harry said. "Your sister?" Harry nodded. "Nice." "What's up with your 5 arrows" Harry asked. I shrugged. "They looked cool" I laughed. "Everything I wanted.. But nothing i'll ever need" Harry read my other tattoo. "What does that mean.." Harry asked. "Well the definition of everything is-" Harry cut me off. "Stop" he laughed. I smirked and kissed his nose. "So how's Zayn" I asked as I outlined Harry's nipple. "H-He's fine I guess. I haven't talked to him in a while" Harry shuttered. "Why not" I asked and started to suck on Harry's nipple. "Because.. H-He's being a-annoying" Harry shuttered once more. I nodded and went on my knees.

                       I blew on Harry's aching dick and it twitched. I then took it in my mouth. Running my tongue on it. Swirling my tongue around it. It was making Harry go crazy. He buckled his hips which made me almost choke. But I didn't. I was bobbing my head when Harry came in my mouth. I took it all down and got back up. Harry used his finger to clean off the white stuff that was on lips still. Harry bit his lip as he did.

                       "I don't know what this means" Harry said quietly. "What?" I asked confused. "I don't know if i'm dating you or not. I'm sorry but i'm confused! All I know is that I'm cheating on Zayn and I don't really care and it feels wrong not to care.. But I don't" Harry sighed. "Babe.. Calm down. I mean if you want to date I don't mind but don't cry" I cooed and kissed Harry's nose again. "I-I would like that" Harry smiled and calmed himself down. "Good" I smiled. Harry pecked my lips and pushed his hair out of his face. "Let's get you home, yeah?" "No.. I wanna stay" Harry wined. "You can't love" I laughed. "I know" Harry sighed. I kissed his head before we got out of the shower.


                          Me and Harry made our way to the car. His shirt was wet because we got water outside of the shower so I let Harry wear one of my black tees.  Harry put his bag in the back and got in the car. I started the car and waited for Harry to buckle up before I started to drive. When I heard the click I started to drive. I have a feeling this 15 minute ride is gonna feel like 15 hours.. Harry won't talk to me and I don't know why. I had one hand on the wheel and one on the little thing between me and Harry. I felt Harry take my hand and hold it. I smiled at him before we turned out of the apartment complex.

                     "Mr Payne?" "Yes Curly?" "Why can't I know your name.." Harry asked. "Because I like it when you call me Mr Payne" I laughed. "But I wanna know your name" Harry wined. "Drop it Curly" I shook my head. "Fine.." Harry said quietly. "Harry, you have to promise me you won't tell anyone about us" I sighed. "I-I won't" Harry mumbled. "Babe, you don't understand. I can get thrown in jail.. Our love isn't right.. We our 10 year difference it's wrong on so many levels." I looked at Harry really quick and saw he was scared.. "I don't want you to be in jail" was all he said. "Then promise me you won't tell anyone.." I sighed. "Why didn't you get thrown in jail when you had sex with Louis" Harry asked. "Because he's 18 and he didn't really do anything about it for me to be thrown in jail. But knowing your mum she will have me in jail" I sighed. "I won't let that happen" Harry said. "Promise?" "Of course Mr Payne" Harry smiled and squeezed my hand.

                        "I still wanna know your name" Harry smirked. "Why?" "For I can put your name in my phone instead of Mr Payne.. It would look weird if my mum saw your name in my phone.. But she wouldn't know who it was if you told me your name" Harry explained. "Harry" I wined. "Yes" He laughed. "Stop. I'm not telling you." "I bet your name is sexy" Harry winked. "Stop it.." I blushed. "Well your body is sexy, your eyes are sexy, your last name is sexy, your hair is sexy.. So how can your name not be sexy" Harry asked. "You're a cheeky boy, arn't you" I laughed. "That's what I have been told" Harry laughed. I then saw Harry take my phone. He texted himself and then smirked at himself when he put Curly instead of Harry and then he put a heart. "You're an idiot" I laughed. "Well i'm your idiot" Harry winked.

                       "Well i'll see you tomorrow Curly" I smiled as I parked in Harry's drive way. "Do I have to go" Harry pouted. "Yes" I laughed. Harry grabbed his bag from the back. Before he left he quickly pecked my lips. He then jumped out of the car. I waved bye to Harry and watched him walk inside. When he closed the door I drove away.. I hope he doesn't mess this up..


                        I walked into the school. This morning I didn't get weird looks. So that's a good thing. I felt someone grab my arm and drag me to my class room. I'm guessing it's Harry. There was no one in my room so that's a good thing. Harry forced me to sit down.

                      "May I help you" I laughed at Harry. "I missed you" Harry blushed. "So you dragged me to my class room" I asked. "Yes" Harry laughed again and kissed me. I kissed back but then the bell rang. Harry got up and went out the other door after pouting and saying good bye. I got up and fixed my shirt from when Harry pushed me down. Kids started to pile into the class. I used the back of my hand to wipe off Harry's saliva off my lips.

                                                                    "Good Morning class" I smiled.

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