7. I wish I could

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Chapter 7. Harry

                          I woke up to hearing my phone going off. I groaned and got it. "Hello" I mumbled. "Can you tell me what your getting me for my birthday yet" Louis wined. "Bye Lou" I laughed and hung up the phone. It's December already and Louis keeps bugging me about buying him a gift. He just wants to know what it is I guess. But meaning it's December it means I been dating Mr Payne for 2 months.. And Zayn for 3 months. I'm too scared to break up with Zayn.. Mr Payne still hasn't told me his first name yet but i'm hoping to get it out of him when I meet him over the holiday. I got out of bed and fixed my messy ass hair. I slipped on a black shirt with writing that said 'Drop Dead!' and I got white pants on. I got the jacket Mr Payne got me and slipped it on. It's a leather jacket that's fuzzy on the inside and it has a nice grey hoodie.

                          I promised him I would wear it.. I don't even know why he got it for me. He's just a nice guy. Louis hasn't been driving me to school.. So after 2 days of taking the bus I got annoyed by all the damn nerds looking at me weird. So I called Mr Payne last night and asked him if he could drive me to school and of course he said yes. I haven't told anyone.. And no one has been questioning me so i'm good. Zayn and I are like the #1 known couple.. Mr Payne hates it but he still loves me. Whenever Zayn or Louis complain about Mr Payne's teaching I wanna smack them. He's a perfect teacher.. But I can't.

                    "MR PAYNE IS HERE HAZ" I heard Gemma yelled. Gemma is home for the holidays so I can't see Mr Payne that much over the Holiday.. But on my birthday I really wanna spend the day with him. Because i'm turning 18 so we can actually do stuff out of his apartment. I ran down the steps and grabbed my bag. I slipped on my shoes and looked at Gemma. Her hair was a mess and her shirt was all messed up. "Gemma.. You should really brush your hair" I laughed. "Go to hell Harry" she mumbled. "Now why would I do that" I laughed.                   

                  I love teasing her. Even though she's older than me I tease her. It's pretty funny actually. Yesterday she called me a weirdo because I was on the phone with Zayn for 2 hours.. And so when she was on the phone with her boyfriend I asked her why there was another guy in her room and her boyfriend went crazy on her. She hated me for it but she will always love me. She doesn't need to like me. Were family. "Bye Harry" I heard Gemma say as I walked out the door to Mr Payne's car.

                       "Good Morning sunshine" Mr Payne smiled. "Hi." "Was that your sister" he asked. "Yep. She's a butt" I laughed. Mr Payne shook his head at me and pulled out of the drive way. Then Zayn called me. I bit my lip and answered it. "Good Morning" Zayn laughed. "Aww! You're wearing the jacket I got you" Mr Payne laughed. I looked at him and he noticed I was on the phone. I saw he mumbled 'Shit' and he sighed. "Who was that" Zayn asked. "It's was.. My dad" I lied. "Oh tell him I say hi" Zayn laughed. "Mhmm. So what's up?" "Well I was wondering if you wanted to ditch with me today. You can just tell Mr Payne you got sick or something for you don't have to go to the after school thing" Zayn asked. Yes, i'll tell him i'm sick, when he clearly sees me sitting right next to him. "I can't" I sighed. "Why?" "I told you Zayn. I wanna pass. And if I wanna pass I can't skip" I bit my lip. "It's just one day.." Zayn said quietly. "Sorry Zayn" I said. "It's fine. I'll see you in school then, yeah" Zayn beamed again. "Of course" I laughed. "Alright. Love you." "Love you too" I said quickly and hung up the phone.

                           "Zayn?" Mr Payne asked. "Yep.. I'm sorry" I sighed when I noticed we were 3 minutes away from the school. Me and Mr Payne could of taken this time to talk but Zayn called me and I just told Zayn I loved him when my other boyfriend is sitting right next to me! This is all so fucked up.. "No, it's fine" Mr Payne smiled. "No it's not.. I just told Zayn I loved him but I don't" I sighed once more. "Harry, just calm down. It's gonna be fine. We can spend the whole holiday together and maybe you can meet my parents" Mr Payne said. "That seems fun" I laughed. "See? You're already happy again!"

                       "Because i'm with you.. And talking about being with you.. And that's honestly all I want to do this holiday. Is cuddle up with you and watch stupid Christmas movies. And then when it's my birthday have you wake me up at 1am and tell me it's save to come out of hiding" I said. "That could happen if I didn't have family coming over to my apartment for a couple of days and you have your sister" Mr Payne sighed. "I know.. But we can still do that shit when they're gone. My birthday is on a Sunday, which is the last day of Holiday.. So my sister will be gone-"

                     "Harry stop. We'll just see what happens. I'm not saying I won't see you i'm just saying I won't see you as often as you want.." Mr Payne cut me off. "Okay" I mumbled. Mr Payne parked his car and I got out of the car. "See you in class Curly" Mr Payne winked and I walked ahead of him so no one could see I drove with him.


                          "Hey, Harry wait up" Zayn yelled to me as I walked down the hall. I stopped and turned around. "I haven't' seen you all day" Zayn pouted. "That's because we didn't have any classes together yet" I laughed. "I know.. This morning on the phone I forgot to ask you. Where were you on Friday night? You don't go to Mr Payne's on Fridays. And your mum said she didn't know" Zayn said as we walked down the hall. "I.. I went shopping. That's where I got this jacket.. On Friday" I lied. "Oh. It's nice" Zayn smiled. "Yep." Me and Zayn walked into the lunch room and there was Louis waiting for us.

                          I sometimes hate going to the lunch room. It's when Mr Payne has to watch the damn lunch room. So I always find myself staring at him while texting him while Zayn is trying to talk to me. I wasn't that hungry but I followed Zayn in line. I wrapped my arms around chest and buried my head in his neck. Zayn didn't stop me or tell me to get off so I hung onto him like a sloth. Soon I noticed Mr Payne's eyes were on me. I bit my lip and looked back at Zayn. Zayn paid for his lunch like always and we walked to our table. I let go of Zayn as we walked. I saw Mr Payne again and he was on his phone. He had worry in his eyes and I don't know why.

                          "Mr Payne, are you okay" I asked Mr Payne. He looked away from his phone and nodded. I could see in his eyes he was lying. I pouted at him as I walked away with Zayn. I then got a message from Mr Payne saying 'Some teachers have been talking about a teacher is having a outside love life with a student.. Did you tell anyone?' I quickly texted back 'No!' and looked at him. He looked back at me and sighed. I texted him one last time 'It could still be about the Louis thing. Calm down babe :(' and he texted back 'Maybe.. I just don't want to loose you </3' I smirked at him and he stuck his tongue out at me.

                  "Who yeah texting" Louis asked as I put my phone away. "My mum" I lied. "Then who you making faces at?" "Some girl over there" I lied again. "Oh.." Zayn said. "What's that mark on your neck?" I pulled my jacket up more to cover it and shrugged. "Zayn.. What did you do mate" Louis laughed. "Nothing.." Zayn said quietly. Well at least someone wasn't lying. It was from Liam.. I was in his class room and he went a little too crazy with a small make out.. Then the bell rang. "Bye guys" I said quickly. I started to walk away but then I ran back and pecked Zayn's cheek. I saw him blush as I walked away to class.


                           "Please. Please. Please. Please" I begged Mr Payne as he opened up the door to his apartment. "Fine! I guess you waited long enough" Mr Payne laughed. I haven't bugged him to tell me his first name for a while. But now I really wanna know. "You can only call me this out of school Harold" Mr Payne. He gives me so many nicknames that it's cute. I nodded.

                             "My name is Liam" Mr Payne sighed. "I knew it was gonna be a sexy name" I laughed. Liam rolled his eyes and sat on the couch. I sat on his lap and smiled at him. "What's your middle name?" "Harry" Liam wined. "Fine" I laughed and pecked Liam's lips. "My middle name is James" Liam sighed. "Liam James Payne.. Seems nice.. Can it be Liam James Styles" I winked. "Don't go all cheeky Curly" Liam laughed.

                   "AM I HAROLD OR CURLY! MAKE UP YOUR MIND!" "You're both" Liam smirked. I rolled my eyes and we both went quiet.. Weird.. "Can I call you Li Bear" I asked. "Why not" Liam laughed. "Yay!! You're my big teddy bear" I laughed. "Oh god" Liam rolled his eyes. Harry and Liam. Liam and Harry.. Perfect.

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