Chapter 2

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~Hey guys! So I've kinda worked out a schedule that let's me upload 3 story parts a week, so I'm going to try my best to update saturdays, sundays, and wendsdays. I might not live up to this as well because I have a bit of a procrastination problem. So if this schedule is a problem I'll change it up a bit. So yah, enjoy the story ♡~

~Phil's POV~

Today is my first day at this new school. I hope that me and that Dan kid can be friends, he seemed pretty nice. I'm also pretty scared of what others will think. It's the middle of the year, surley everyone has built their groups of friends by now. I'm just an outcast.

I walk up to the school gates and immediatly notice everyone looking at me. A few guys with disgust, and many girls with lust. 'Yuck', I think to myself. I can make friends with anyone, but I'm not romanticly fond of girls. I'm pansexual, I just lean more towards the guy side of things.

I pass Dan on my way into the school and I wave at him. He nervously waves back like he expects something to happen, maybe me to hurt him, and then quickly scurried off. 'Odd.' I make a mental note to get to know Dan.

I walk up to the office and retrieve my schedule. I have nothing to really explain about the woman who gave me my schedule, but she was wrather boring I would say. My first class is... ugh. Maths. I hate maths, I'm terrible at it.

After stopping by my locker I start to head down the halls until I realise I have no idea where I'm going. I see a boy with blond hair that has a slightly brownish tinge to it walking down the hall, surrounded by some others. I run up to this boy "Excuse me, do you know where maths class is?"

The boy turns around with an angry look "Why don't you go somewhere you belong instead?" He says practically shouting as he points to a trash can. 'Oh goody. I love dealing with these kinds of people.' I think sarcastically. I gulp "I'm s-"

Before I can finish he grabs my shirt by the collar "New kid, listen up. I'm going to teach you how things work around here." The leader of this group, it seems says as his group laughs at me. I struggle and attempt to escape his grip "Nnngh!"

The boy just laughs again. He kicks the lockers with his feet and one of the lockers opens. Oh lovely, the smallest top locker. The group laughs once more before shoving me in the locker and walking away. I have closeterphobia so I begin to hypervenilate. Being so akwardly large I'm forced into a pain full position and I can barley breathe.

I try to bang on the locker a few times hoping it will open like before. I wiggle around and attempt to make plenty of noise "Nnnnghh! Help!"

When I don't hear any reply I just sob silently. What a good start to a day, don't you think?

~Dans POV~

I was begining to get extremely bored in my maths class. I sigh and asked of I could go to the bathroom, but honestly I just wanted an excuse to leave. The teacher nods her head so I just walk off and aimlessly wander the halls.

I walked around tracing the lockers with my fingers. When I get up to the locker I was shoved in multiple times I hear faint sobbing coming from inside the locker. I immediatly knew that the crew who always bullied me had found a new victim.

I sigh sympathetically and pop open the locker. Phil almost falls put but I catch him. "Phil!?" I say surprised.

He looks happy to see me and hugs onto me. I feel pretty akward concidering that I met him yesterday. "Woah are you okay?" I say, surprised I didn't studder.

He looks up, and like he just realised what he was doing he dried his eyes and let go of me. "I'm sorry, it's just that *hic* I'm really claustrophobic and I'm so happy that someone came to help me"

I smile. "Don't worry bout it. Most the time it's me in that situation yknow?" I'm really starting to like this kid, maybe I can have some actual friends.

Phil looks kinda sadly at me "Well thats not okay!" I just sigh and shrug my shoulders. He doesn't have to tell me something I already know. Even of its not okay he's never gonna stop, so why even bother to protest it.

~Time Skip~

I was walking home. I had a pretty good day today, mainly due to the fact that I spent my whole day with Phil. My bullies also didn't approach me today, but also only because I purposely avoided them. Expecially with Phil around. I walk into my house feeling wrather happy.


I notices my dad is home, and I gulp. I walk into the kitchen where my mom and dad are screaming at eachother "I TOLD YOU NEVER TO COME BACK! ALL YOU EVER DID WAS BRING PAIN AND MISERY INTO THIS FAMILLY!" I hear my mom yell.

I can smell the faint yet unmistakeable smell of alcohol. "I'm here to pay my *hic* Sssson a visit!" I hear my drunk ass dad slur. I notice the sound of footsteps coming out of the kitchen and bolt upstairs into my room. 'This can't be happening' I think to myself, terrified.

I hear my dad banging on the door "OPEN UP SSSSUNNY BOY!" He yells. I hesitantly open the door "H-hi da-" but I'm cut off by a burning smack across my face.

I yelp and fall to the ground. I sob as my dad beats me merciless for hours. When it finally stops and my dad leaves the room I'm left sobbing on the ground, the smell of alcohol burning my nostrils.

I thought I was having a good day, but it was nowhere near that.

~And I finally finished! That wouldn't have taken me that long if I didn't have my friends texting me the whole time. That took me 3 hours to wright, thanks guys! But I finished it and I'm proud of myself. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and a new update will be out tomorrow. Thanks for reading ♡~

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