Chapter 13

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Mistfur, Bluetail, and Dovewing returned very tired.

"Welcome back, everyone." Hopestar purred. "Did you journey well?" "Yes. And now we're very tired..." Mistfur replied. "Fantastic," Hopestar meowed. "You know about a lot of stuff. I'm sure Adderstar was the one who praised you most, I heard she was your best friend, Mistfur."

"Yeah. She had sadness in her meow when she said goodbye to me." "Yes, I bet. Now get some rest, Mistfur, Bluetail and Dovewing." Hopestar meowed. "You've journeyed far. You need this." "Thanks, Hopestar. I really do feel tired..." Mistfur mewed.

The three rested for a while. Mistfur woke up first, and secretly went hunting. Mistfur caught three voles. And one squirrel. She missed a rabbit. Mistfur returned and dropped the prey on the fresh-kill pile. Soon it was icemoon. Mistfur lay in her nest, bored, but not tired. Hopestar looked awake when Mistfur went to Hopestar's den. She had six kits with her. Mistfur didn't know who they were.

"Oh, Mistfur. you didn't see Brookfur's kits? This is

Nightkit, This is Toadkit, This brave little one is Firekit, this little one is Songkit, this is Marshkit, and this is Stripekit. He's a little shy, but he might not be to you." Hopestar meowed. "Nightkit looks just like Nightpool. Toadkit and Firekit look very cute together. Songkit is SO cute! and Marshkit and Stripekit are very cute." Mistfur purred. "They are very cute, I must admit." Hopestar meowed.

"Hi, deputy of MistClan!" Nightkit greeted.

"You look so pretty." Toadkit mewed, blushing.

"Hi!" Firekit meowed.

"Hiya, Mistfur!" Songkit mewed, kind of singing. Mistfur and Songkit seemed to have some special bond.

"Hey! What's up?" Marshkit asked.

"Hi." Stripekit said meekly.

"Hi, everyone. Can you go to your mother? I'm sure she might freak out when she notices you're not there." Mistfur mewed. "Okay! Psst. Mistfur. Can I come with you somewhere?" Songkit mewed. "No, Songkit. You're very ill." Hopestar immediately answered. "She's ill, Hopestar?" "Yes, Mistfur. She is suffering of an unknown reason. Wetnose and Pinepaw didn't find out yet." "Ah. Now go to your mother." "Yes, Mistfur!" Nightkit mewed. The kits dashed back to the nursery.

"Mistfur, I need to tell you something. It's a secret warrior code." Hopestar meowed. "Okay. What is it, Hopestar?" "It is called: You may have a Gathering for an important purpose, once every half moon. And me, Adderstar, Brownstar, Petalstar, you, Dawnfur, Batwing and Inknose have an important reason. Adderstar said she needed to talk to you."


The words echoed in Mistfur's mind. "Okay. Let's go." she meowed. Mistfur and Hopestar headed to SunClan camp. Adderstar and Dawnfur were waiting. Hopestar and Mistfur kept walking as Adderstar and Dawnfur headed behind them. "Hi Mistfur." Adderstar meowed. "Hey, guys!" shouted Dawnfur. The four cats went to BreezeClan to get Brownstar and Batwing. "Good evening." Brownstar greeted. "Hello," Batwing meowed. Then the cats went to GrassClan for Petalstar and Inknose. "Hey there, you guys." Petalstar meowed. "Yo." Inknose added with a cool tone in his voice. The cats went to the main Gathering area. The cats decided to start their Gathering...




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