WHAT?! I'm a 10th Generation Mafia Boss?! Part 2

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"TSUNA!" Naria screamed.

"He'll be fine." Reborn assured her.

"Eh?! What do you mean?! You shot him in the head! That's almost an instant kill!" shouted Naria.

Suddenly a bright orange flame appeared on Tsuna's forehead, his eyelids flipped open with a look of crazy anger in his eyes.


Then in an instant, his clothes were ripped off his body by some otherworldly force. Only his boxers remained.....



Tsuna shot off running like a rocket in the direction Kyoko ran.

"Did Tsuna flash me?" Naria asked Reborn.

"He did...." Reborn said non-chantey as his gun transformed back into a chameleon.

"Reborn-san...." started an uncertain Naria trying to watch her words. "who is that? The chameleon?"

"This my partner, Leon." Reborn replied, patting the chameleon's back.

"Uh, nice to meet you Leon. Well Reborn, I have to get to school now." Naria said, picking up Tsuna's ripped clothes. "See you later Reborn."

When Naria was out of earshot, Reborn started talking to himself.

"She's kind of like her.....very interesting."

Meanwhile, Naria caught up with Kyoko nearby, at the gate of their middle school, Namimori Middle.

"Konnichiwa Kyoko-san! (Hi Kyoko!)" greeted Naria to the light haired girl.

"Ohayo Naria-chan." Kyoko greeted back to the black haired girl.

Then a boy with spikey black hair walked up to the both of them. It was the captain of the Kendo Team, Mochida, Kensuke.

"Mochida-senpai..." Naria greeted their upperclassman, bowing in respect.

But Kyoko seemed very uncomfortable around the teen. Naria knew very well that Mochida liked Kyoko, and had tried to ask her out many times. And every time she turned him down. Naria didn't want to leave Kyoko on her own, so she stayed, oblivious to the fact that Mochida was also staring at her.

The three started walking to school, with Naria trying to keep the space between Kyoko and Mochida lengthened.

"UWHOOOOOAAAAAH!!!!!" came a cry from above the three of them.

Kyoko and Naria both looked up and saw a figure falling from the sky. Naria recognized that figure to be Tsuna!

'EH?! TSUNA?!' she yelled mentally, her face twisting to one of shock.

When Tsuna landed, he blew Mochida right over the wall, thankfully, Yamamoto caught the poor man.

Naria watched her best friend confess in front of Kyoko....in his underwear to boot. She sweatdropped when Kyoko screamed and ran inside the school. But when Mochida went and punched Tsuna in the face, then she got pissed.

"OI! LEAVE TSUNA ALONE!!!" Naria shouted standing in front of Tsuna protectively, not noticing the flame on his forehead slowly dying away.

"Tche...." growled Mochida, walking away and everyone else going back into the school. When everyone left, Naria turned to Tsuna, who now recovered from his Dying Will Mode.

"What happened to me?!" shouted Tsuna, as Naria handed him his ripped clothes, which she had sewn on the way to school.

"That's thanks to the "Dying Will Bullet." came Reborn's voice from above.

"Tsuna, I'll head to class, I'll see you later." Naria told her friend, walking inside before the bell rang, she was not in the mood to be late and deal with the school discipline committee, especially Hibari, Kyoya.

Later on, after school, Naria was just leaving her classroom when she saw Tsuna run to the gym. Then again, through the whole day, people have been talking about some battle between Mochida and a pervert......which means.....

Immediately Naria rushed after Tsuna to the gym....only to make there in time to see a half-dressed Tsuna, ripping Mochida's hair, rendering him bald. Naria also noticed a Dying Will Flame on his forehead. Thank God for Reborn, otherwise, Tsuna would lose pathetically.

Then a silver haired boy walked up beside her, he looked a bit foreign, due to his clothing style.

"So that is the Vongla's tenth Generation boss candidate, Sawada, Tsunayoshi." he muttered.

Naria stared at the teen. Tenth Generation Boss?

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