A Girl's Destructive Feelings

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-Reborn's POV-

Tsukuyomi, Naria...

Also called Ria-chan by Tsuna...

First Year, Class A of Namimori Middle School.

Has a score average of 88.9 in school...

Childhood friend of the Vongola Decimo...

She could be a very interesting person to have in the Family.


-Normal POV-

Naria woke up to her mother calling her down for breakfast. She quickly got dressed and rushed down to the kitchen, where her mom was making breakfast and her father was reading a newspaper.

Her mother, Aria had black hair and onyx black eyes. While her father, Mizuo had brown hair and red eyes. Naria inherited her mother's black hair and her father's red eyes.

"Morning, Mom! Morning, Dad!" she greeted with a smile.

"Good morning Naria! How are you?" asked her father.

"I'm feeling great, Otou-san!!!" she cheered.

"Are you excited for Aunt Michiru and Uncle Kisuke's visit?" asked Aria, putting the cooked eggs on a plate.

"Are they bringing Tadaomi too?!" Naria excitedly asked.

Michiru Tsukuyomi is Naria's mother's older sister by only five years. Kisuke Karasuma is her husband and Naria's uncle. Tadaomi Karasuma is her cousin, though he is only slighly older. Tadaomi treats Naria like a sister and is currently wanting to become a Government Assassin, when he's a bit older. While there was some protest on what he wanted to become, his parents supported him anyway, cause once Tadaomi sets his mind to something, he's gonna push himself until he accomplishes it.

Tadaomi also had a little sister, around Naria's age. Her name was Hoshi, and to be honest, she was the most adorable, innocent person she's ever known. Which explains why Tadaomi is so overprotective of his little sister. Hoshi is usually home schooled, due to overprotective brother, who managed to convince his family to let her be home schooled....somehow....

"Yes, Tadaomi and Hoshi are coming too. Tadaomi says they're not busy, so they can stay for about a week." answered Mizuo as his daughter cheered.

As Naria was eating her breakfast, she suddenly remembered that she and Tsuna were walking to school together! She looked at the clock, only to see 7:34 AM!!!

"I'M LATE!!!"

Quickly finishing her breakfast, Naria raced out of the house yelling her goodbyes to her parents. She dashed off to the direction of Tsuna's house, while fixing her shoes in the process.

Staring at the direction that their daughter was running, the parental couple laughed at her antics.

-Sawada Household-

Naria barely made it to Tsuna's house, she made it just as Nana was finished making Reborn some pasta. Bianchi and Lambo were also there, with Lambo already making a mess.

"I'm sorry for being late!" gasped out Naria, who was out of breath from running.

"Oh you're fine Naria-chan! Tsuna just woke up not too long ago." replied Nana, giving Reborn some pasta. 

"Morning Reborn, Bianchi!" she greeted the two hitmen cheerfully. 

"Ciaossu Naria!" came the infant's signature greeting. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2019 ⏰

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