I head to the back of my den and sit thinking "What am I?"Remembering what that mysterious wolf said(your not a normal wolf)I start thinking again"What if my fur never turns back or will my family still like me...of course they won't I'm a-a monster now why would the like me"I start to cry
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I eventually stood up and went outside finding out it was already night.I heard howling from behind me it wasn't close though.I started howling back.I followed the howling just to find out it was The Howling(a wolf binding ceremony)(binding=marriage)I've always wanted to go to one but you have to have another wolf bound to you.That dream is now officially crushed well nobody wants to bind with a monster.I start to here a cracking sound in the woods.I start to head back into my den.Then something grabs my leg.I look to see what it was and I end up seeing a male wolf."Let go!"I yell "I was just coming because I heard you howling"He makes a stubborn face as he lets go of my leg"follow me"He says.I start following him curiously"Where are we going?"I say as I tilt my head."Just follow me I have a sanctuary"He says sternly.I stop walking"I'm sorry but I can't go there I umm...am uncontrollable."He looked at me"We can help plus we're almost there..oh and I'm Drake.
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"We!"I say astonished.Drake looks back at me"What you think I can't control a clan."I look at him stunned"No!I umm...mean...that's not what I meant!"Drake starts laughing"heh cute"I look at him embarrassed.We finally get to his clan and I start walking in there not knowing what's coming.Everybody stops what there doing and stares at me.Drake takes me to there medicine wolf as soon as we got there"Ahira!Where are you!"He says when we get into the med den.Ahira comes running out from a second tunnel."Coming!"She yells
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She immediately stops when she sees me and Drake"Oh who's this"She smiles."I found her in an abandoned den"Drake says with no emotion.Ahira looks at me"Oh well what's wrong"She says as we walk into a third tunnel."Well I'm not hurt or anything and it's kinda hard for me to explain so..ummm...well you see I'm... uncontrollable."Ahira looks me in the eye sternly for five seconds then stops and laughs"Nonsense!"I eventually told her about my unknown problem and she said that mental therapy might help.I walk out of the med den and hear Drake walking up to me."Come with me,I'll show you around."He says as I stare into his eyes nervously.We start walking as he's showing me everything"Over there we have the warriors den and next to it is the apprentices den.Then over there on that(big)rock is the leaders den otherwise my den,then next to it is the deputy's den.And over there is the nursery."He says as he walks.We stop walking,Drake turns toward me"Your gonna have to pick a rank"I look at him"Well what is there I mean I grew up without a pack."Drake starts to list all of the open ranks"There's warrior/hunter and medicine wolf's apprentice.Also I don't have a deputy yet."I look at the ground"Umm I'll be a warrior I guess"I say awkwardly.Drake looks at me sternly"I thought you would say that." "So now what"I say casually.We start to walk towards the warriors den as he says"I'm just gonna have all the warriors meet you,no pressure(lots of pressure)"We start to walk into the den,but there's no body there.Drake tells me to wait in the den.I eventually fall asleep.