I get back to the clan with the pup in the grasp of my jaws.I take him to the warriors den and lick him clean as if he was my own.When I was done I took him to the med den."Ahira are you here!"I call when we get there.She comes running out of the third tunnel where I used to be."Yes!"She yells.She stops and gasps."Who's that aw he's hurt"She says as she picks him up and takes him into a second tunnel.I follow her.Ahira setts him down on a newly padded leaf pelt(bed)
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Where did you find him"She asks as the pup falls asleep."When me and Tearsa were on patrol,we found a half eaten rabbit.I followed the blood trail and seen a small den where..uh another wolf was.He tried to attack me.And well you can see where it's going right."She looks at me shock"yeah but wow."She pauses"Tearsa stayed behind didn't she"I look at the pup"yeah,well I better go tell Drake what happened."Ahira walks out of the tunnel with me"Bye!"She calls as I walk out of the den.I finally get to the leader den"Drake,may I talk to you."He turns his attention to me"Yes come in"he says.I walk in and sit down in front of him"Me and Tearsa found a pup in a newly built den."He looks at me almost shocked."Hmm did it have major injuries?" "No he probably just needs some rest"I say casually.Drake looks up at me sternly"I'm putting him under you care after he gets back from Ahira." He nods at me as in a signal that I may leave.I walk out of the den and run over to where I seen Tearsa last.When I get there I see her limping but she's not worried.I put her around my shoulders and take her to Ahira.After I took her there I went back on patrol.I start to think,at least she only had a sore paw.I walk alone wondering what Drake meant by putting the pup under my care.Well the pup was at least four moons old,so he was gonna be an apprentice.Hmm.I hear something rustling in the bushes.I stalk up to it finding out it was a rabbit.I grab it in my jaws when it wasn't looking,feeling it's warm blood dripping from my chin.I get done with the patrol and take the rabbit to a nearby food pile.I walk into the warriors den,I see Tearsa and Sky there.I go over to one of the corners in the den and lay down.I stay there for about 30 minutes and fall asleep as it gets dark.I wake up seeing Tearsa and Niko sleeping next to each other.Sky is in the opposite corner of me,sleeping with her wings covering her.Kite was laying almost next to Sky.Then I look in front of me,I feel something cold and rough on my nose.I open my eyes wide in shock,I see Ash in front of me,his nose touching mine.As I'm still in shock I see his eyes open"I'm so sorry,I ... I didn't m..mean to...."I say.Ash interrupts almost a surprised as I am"No No umm it's my uh fault...Sorry uhh."He says as his eyes are wide open.I have a shocked face as my cheeks start to flush red."umm,this is awkward."I say as I feel something against me.I look over to see what it is.I see the pup that came from the earlier patrol.He looks up at me as I grasp him in my jaws.I pick him up and put him in front of me.I start to smile warmly.Ash looks down at the pup"What's his name?"I turn my attention to Ash"Hmmm I don't know."I look down at the pup"I think I'm gonna call him Sleet."Sleet looks up at me as we touch are nones together.I feel an connection with him.Sleet looks up at Ash,he smiles and lick Ash's nose.Ash looks at me"By the way,tomorrow there's gonna be a ceremony."I look back at him"For what?"I ask."Well every full moon there's a ceremony so that pup can become apprentices and so forth."He answers casually.Sleet looks up at me"So I'm gonna be an apprentice?"He says with lots of curiosity.I look into Sleet's eyes"Yes bu...."I get cut off by Sleet"Nerve racking"He says as he pretend shivers.Ash smiles and looks at Sleet"Well it's fun but you're not going to know who will be your mentor."Sleet looks at Ash"Oh.Why can't I know.I mean in my opinion,that's just rude."I start to giggle.Sleet starts to smile holding back a laugh.I hear Sky starting to roll over as she yawns.Ash looks over at Sky"Sky,Come over"Ash whispers.Sky looks over at Ash as he motions to come to him.Sky makes it over to where me and Ash are.Ash looks at Sky"Sleet is gonna be and apprentice today"Ash says as Sky looks at me and then Ash,as if she thinks that Ash is the father.I look at Sky in shock"No!n no!Its not like that!"I say trying to whisper.Sky looks at me almost laughing"I was just kidding."She smiles.I look at Ash"I thought you said that the ceremony was tomorrow?"Ash looks at me"I said that a couple hours ago."I have a puzzled look on my face"I never felt time go by so fast in my life"I say still puzzled.