I wake up but my eyes are still closed.I hear voices coming from in front of me"Stop staring at her."(different voice)"Oh be quiet she's not even awake"(Another voice)"Who cares about that,it's just how'd she get in."I hear Drake's voice as I start to open my eyes.I turn my head towards his voice"I see you've found Lilac"I see all the faces turn to Drake.He sees me starting to sit up"Oh you're finally up."All of the unknown wolves turn to me."I didn't re......Wait how'd you know my name!"I yelled at Drake surprised."I have my resources"He says stubbornly.Drake turns to the other wolves"This is Lilac,she's our new warrior" "Oh so that's how she got in"A black white and brown she-wolf says.Drake turns his head toward me"This is Kite."
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Kite smiles stubbornly as Drake is its almost like there related.Another she-wolf spoke"I'm Tearsa and this is my brother Niko"
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Niko(above) I could see Niko standing in a corner across from me and Tearsa in front.I look at Drake thinking well now what I mean I am a warrior after all.I get surprised by a voice coming from next to Tearsa"My name's Ash"
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I look over to a white she-wolf with wings.I stare at her in shock.Her face turns toward me"Oh,it's weird I know" "What I....I no I didn't mean to..."I said as she interrupted me"I know I was joking.I'm Sky."Sky starts to smile warmly."
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Well,uh you already know my name umm so yeah.Now what?"I ask.Drake looks at me"I was just going to say that we need to patrol.Tearsa and Lilac you two will go on patrol and Kite and Sky you go hunt.Niko please go check on the elders."He says as me and Tearsa walk out of the den."So you were found in an abandoned den"she says trying to converse."Yeah,ummm so now...."I say but Tearsa interrupts"I smell something,come on"She starts to follow a trail of sent."What is it."I say in confusion.We come up to what Tearsa was smelling.We find out that it was a dead rabbit,I look over to where I see it's blood coming from.(The rabbit was already half eaten.)I walk over to where it was coming from not noticing what Tearsa was doing.I end up finding a large hole in a nearby hill.It looked like a newly built den.I walk into it.I start to see red eyes glowing in the darkness.A black wolf comes into my sight"Well,fancy seeing you here,I thought you wanted nothing to do with me"He says as I recognize who he is."your that wolf we seen in the edge of the woods!"I say shocked.He looked at me devilishly"What if I am,what would you do?"He laughs.I start to growl,Tearsa notices what I'm doing.Parts of my fur starts to turn electric blue.The mysterious wolf laughs evilly.
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I attack him and rip his shoulder open seeing blood spill out."Come on is that all you can do!!"He says as I see a pup quivering behind him.I bite him neck but he swipes me of,clawing me.I lay down growling as I get up.I bite his nose and claw his eye."Who is that!"I yell at him."Who is who"He laughs standing up proudly.Tearsa runs at the male wolf and jumps then tackles him."Run!"She says"Grab the pup and Run!" "I'll meet you back at the clan." I grave the pup and run while hearing the mysterious wolf yelling at me"Yeah,Run Lilac Run I'll get you someday!"He says laughing while attacking Tearsa. (Sorry if that fight was really lame😅)