5- Cailyn

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"Do you wanna stay at my place tonight?"

I stare at him for a few seconds, before realizing that I really did need someone to comfort me. I may act all tough and rude, but sometimes, I need a helping hand to pick me up when I fall. And a bonus: the helping hand that's picking me up belongs to a very attractive and nice guy.

"Um, yeah. That sounds awesome." I reply, adding a smile at the end. He straightens his posture and looks all proud of himself. 

"Do you want to watch a movie when we get there? We could pick something up." He replies. He's being very greedy, but it's cute.

"How about The Notebook?" I ask, trying to hold in a smirk. I watch as his posture falls again, and he does a pouty face. I laugh so hard I almost fall off of the stool I'm sitting on.

"I was kidding! You should have seen your face!" I laugh harder, and I see him across the table as red as a tomato.

"Fine, then what do you want to watch?" He asks, trying to reduce the red shades in his face by taking deep breaths.

"I don't know, RED or something like Die Hard? Anything with Bruce Willis in it I'll watch." (A/N Completely true) I shrug my shoulders.

"Bruce Willis? Really?" He asks, judgingly. 

"Are you making fun of my boyfriend?"  I ask, making the sassiest face possible.

He laughs, and I laugh, and it turns into a laughing fit. 

I look at him and smile. "You might just be the best thing that's ever happened to me." 

He gets up and walks over to me, offering me his hand to get up.

"Right back at ya'." I take his hand, and we walk back to the hospital. Except this time, I know that I'm going to be okay.

Falling From NowhereWhere stories live. Discover now