Chapter Twenty-Eight

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    I raised one of my brows and cleared my throat when he drew the rag in between my thighs. He looked up with a mischievous glint in his eyes, the corner of his lips pulling up into a small smirk.
    "Can't blame me for trying." He sent me a wink then began cleaning away the blood again.
    "Andrei.?" I murmered and felt him stop moving the rag to look into my eyes.
    "Yeah, Babe?" He asked.
    "I'm gonna need you to watch the kids for a few days."

    "What are you gonna do, Jade?" Andrei asked in a low voice.
    "I need to find some answers." I replied and looked away from Andrei. "For some reason, I trust you with them. Can you watch them for me?"
    "I don't like the sound of that." Andrei stated. "I'm not going to let you go and try to find those psychos. I know what you want to do and I won't let you go."  There was a certain firmness in his voice that let me know this might possibly turn into an argument.
    "No, Jade." Andrei said sternly and gripped my chin so that I was forced to look into his eyes. "That's f.ucking insane. I'm not going to let you go off and get yourself killed." I grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand off of my chin.
    "You have no say in the matter." I stubbornly replied.
    "You've got those three kids downstairs to watch out for now, you can't just go off on a wild goose-chase and get yourself killed." His eyes desperately bore into mine to convince me to listen to him. "You can't take on all the evils in the world by yourself, babe. You're just one woman." I looked away and crossed my arms at my chest.
    "I think you should leave." My voice was low and calm.
    "If I'm leaving you're coming with me. I'm not leaving you here." Andrei fired back.
    "I don't want you here." I bluntly stated.
    "As much as you don't want to admit it, we both need each other. It's always just been me and you and it always will be. You're the angel for my hell and I'm the key to your prison, baby." His husky voice drew my eyes to his, becoming ensnared in the hurricane of his eyes.
    "For a cheating son of a bitch, you sure do think highly of yourself." I grumbled. He placed his hands on my thighs and started to rub small circles against the inside of my thighs with the rough pads of his thumbs. I tried to clench my thighs together and close my legs, but Andrei's firm hold on my thighs kept them pried open where he was standing in between them.
    "I was f.ucked up when that happened. I didn't know what was happening until it was too late. You can't keep slapping me in the face with that." Andrei defended in a quiet, husky tone while he continued to stroke the inside of my thighs with his thumbs. "I felt like a dead man when I found out you wanted to leave. I couldn't think, I couldn't feel, I couldn't f.ucking breath." My eyes were glued to his despite how desperate I was to look away.
    "I f.ucking love you, you stubborn woman." Andrei's hands moved from my thighs to cup my face instantly causing my entire body to heat up. "Why can't you see that?" He brought his face closer so that I was able to make out the tiny flecks of silver and gold in his blue eyes. His hot breath fanned over my neck and face causing a shiver to creep up my spine that sent sparks throughout my body. I felt my n!pples harden uncomfortably against my bra and felt a heated throbbing begin in my core as sensations I hadn't allowed myself to feel in years came to life.
    "I don't love you anymore, Andrei." I spoke almost breathlessly in an attempt to get him to leave me alone, in an attempt to convince myself that this man I once put above everything else now meant absolutely nothing to me.
    "Bullshit." Andrei growled.
    "I'm not lying." I quickly replied in a matter-of-fact tone.
    "Then tell me why your heart sounds like it's about to break out of your chest? Tell me why you saved my life twice in a matter of days when you could of just let me die?" He pressed himself closer to me so that I could feel the hard plains of his body press against my chest. His blue eyes shined brighter, yet at the same time they seemed to have grown to a darker hue of blue. "Tell me why I can smell your sweet arousal?" I stiffened at his words and found that I had no answer to that. I had no answer as to why I was getting all hot and bothered by him. It had to be f.ucking hormones.
     I became aware of an uncomfortable dampness that had formed down there, but didn't dare move. Andrei closed his eyes tightly and looked like he was in intense pain. He breathed in deeply, his body growing rigid.
    "F.uck, you smell so good, Jade." His chest rumbled with a primal growl when he removed his hands from my face and walked all the way back against the opposite wall. He put his hands in his hair and tugged at its ends with his eyes still screwed shut.
    "Jade." The needy, lusting way he said my name had my arousal freely dripping out of my body. F.ucking hormones. "Jade, if you don't get out of this bathroom right now I swear on everything that's bad that I'll f.uck you where you sit." He spoke through clenched teeth as he tried to restrain his inner beast. I wasted no time in hopping off of the counter and leaving the bathroom with the door slamming shut behind me. When I reached my room to change out of my soaked panties and shorts, I heard the shower cut on and faintly heard the rumbling of moans and panting above the sound of falling water.
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    "JJ?" Poppy whispered and I stopped tucking the corners of the quilt around her body. She did fall asleep on the couch, but I guess she woke up when I picked her up to put her in bed.
    "Hmm?" I hummed in response, my dark eyes finding her innocent ones.
    "Can you tell me a story?" She asked with her big sea colored eyes glittering up at me.
    "Um, I can't." I answered slowly. "I don't know any." Poppy looked up at me expectantly, her big blue eyes pulling some kind of strings in my heart that made me wish I knew some.
    "I--um--well I know this one song my dad used to sing to me before he would leave to" I explained and fought to pick my words wisely.  Poppy batted her long eyelashes up at me. "I can't sing, Poppy." She jutted out her bottom lip and I felt a stab in my heart at the sight.
    "Pwease, JJ?" Poppy whined while her bottom lip wobbled. Oh boy. I settled back against the headboard with a small sigh.
    "I'm warning you that I'm a horrible singer." I warned her as she settled herself down against her pillow and gave a sleepy yawn. She looked up at me with her big blue eyes that gleamed from the light of the room.
    I leaned my head back against the headboard and looked up at the ceiling remembering how my dad and I used to lay in my bed while he would sing to me. Every time he left to work a job, he would lay with me and sing the same song. I heard it so many times that even after a year or two after he passed away I could still hear him singing it to me while I lay awake in bed. Now, I could barely remember what his voice sounded like.
    "Well, the sun is surely sinking down
    But the moon is slowly rising
    So this old world must still be spinning around
    And, I still love you."  I felt Poppy move closer and begin playing with my hand that was laying in my lap, turning my hand around and tracing the small scars on my knuckles.
    "So close your eyes
    You can close your eyes it's alright
    I don't know no love songs
    And I can't sing the blues anymore
    But I can sing this song
    And you can sing this song
    When I'm gone." I felt Poppy begin to still her movements as her little hand still held mine.
    "It won't be long before another day
    We gonna have a good time
    And no one's gonna take that away
    You can stay as long as you like." I felt my throat grow dry and moisture grow in my eyes, however I pushed back the traitorous moisture not allowing it to break free.
    "So close your eyes
    You can close your eyes it's alright
    I don't know no love songs
    And I can't sing the blues anymore
    But I can sing this song
    And you can sing this song
    When I'm gone."
    I looked away from the ceiling and down at Poppy finding her curled up against my side fast asleep, her hand still on mine. I lost track of time and just stared down at the sleeping toddler while she slept all wrapped up underneath the old quilt. Looking at her now, it was hard to believe that she would grow up and be corrupted by this f.ucked up world.
    Already her father had abandoned her and her mother was taken by cancer. Now, she was stuck with my worthless self. She was stuck with her half-breed werewolf of an aunt...a monster. What would she do when she found out I killed people for a living? What would happen to her when she realized how cruel and f.ucked up the world was? Would she turn out like her mother? F.uck. What if she took off and got into drugs and shit? What if she turned out like me?
    All those thoughts and questions pounded into my mind making a sick, twisted feeling form in my gut. I wouldn't let that happen. I wouldn't let them turn into a coldhearted bitch like myself. They were going to grow up right even if I had to let them go and let them grow up with someone else that wasn't their blood. Looking at the sleeping toddler beside me, I knew what I had to do.
    I rose from the bed, slowly removing her hand from mine and opened the bedroom door to step outside. I closed the door after turning off the lights and turned around nearly jumping out of my own skin when I saw someone standing just mere inches in front of me.
    "What the f.uck is wrong with you?" I asked Andrei in a harsh whisper when I realized the looming shadow was him.
    "You're good with them." Andrei stated in a calm tone. "Nice singing, by the way." He grinned causing his stupid lip piercing to quirk up.
    "What's with you and eavesdropping? F.uck off." I grunted and brushed past him to walk into my room. "Since you're feeling better you can sleep on the couch." I felt Andrei follow me into my room.
    "But, I was hoping we could cuddle...or something." His voice wandered off with a suggestive tone.
    "I don't like you. I'll even go far enough to say that I f.ucking despise you." I spat out and crossed my arms to glare at him when he plopped down on the edge of my bed.
    "I know you love me and I know that you definitely want me." I scoffed at Andrei's cocky tone. "I could smell your want for me all over you earlier." He crossed his arms causing his biceps to bulge. "Hell, I can smell it right now." F.uck. I hate that asshole.
    "Out!" I shouted and pointed to the door, my face flushing with embarrassment and anger. He chuckled, but stood from the door and walked past me making sure to rub his body against mine when he did so. 
    "If you get lonely," Andrei spoke when he reached the door and turned around,"I'll be downstairs...on the couch." He sent me a wink while biting that stupid lip piercing. I growled at him and that only made him chuckle as he walked out of my room and closed the door behind him.
    I ran a hand through my hair and picked up my phone from the bedside table to scroll through the contacts. When I found the name I had been looking for I hit the call button and heard the dial tone. She answered in the first ring.
    "Hello?" She called out sounding wide awake for the late growing hour.
    "Mrs. Danby, I need to talk to you about the kids." I answered and tried to keep my voice quiet.
    "What about them? Are they alright?" Mrs. Danby asked sounding genuinely concerned.
    "They're fine." I replied.
    "What is it then?" Mrs. Danby asked curiously.
    "I can't take care of them like they need to be taken care of." I explained and felt bile rise in my throat from what I was doing.
    "What are you trying to say, Ms. Soto?"
    "I'm saying that I'm putting the kid's back up for adoption. I don't want them anymore, Mrs. Danby." I truly was a f.ucking monster.


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